(A)   Homeowners with abutting property lines to an alley may request the alley be vacated so they may purchase the alley.
   (B)   The following guidelines and restrictions apply to purchasing an alley:
      (1)   Purchase price of alley is set at $0.25 per square foot plus any additional fees incurred;
      (2)   Interested homeowner must notify homeowner of adjacent property of the alley in question informing the adjacent homeowner there is intent of purchasing said alley. The interested homeowner must offer the adjacent homeowner the option to purchase on half of the respective alley.
         (a)   If an adjacent homeowner is not willing to buy half of the abutting alley closest to his or her property line, the adjacent homeowner has the option to allow the interested homeowner to buy the entire alley abutting his or her property.
         (b)   If the adjacent homeowner allows the interested homeowner to purchase the entire alley, the interested homeowner must provide a signature from adjacent homeowner agreeing to the sale to the City Council.
         (c)   If the adjacent homeowner does not wish to have the alley sold, then the interested homeowner will be denied the request to purchase any part of the alley abutting his or her property by the City Council.
         (d)   If the adjacent homeowner is interest in purchasing half of the abutting alley in question closest to his or her property line they will be required to comply with all other restrictions and requirements the interested homeowner must follow.
      (3)   Interested homeowner and adjacent homeowner (if applicable) must submit cost of filing fees at the court house;
      (4)   Interested homeowner and adjacent homeowner (if applicable) must provide half of the worth of the portion of alley he or she will be purchasing. Half the worth is based on the purchase price of the alley per square foot, multiplied by the length of the property of the abutting homeowner, multiplied by 20 feet for the entire width of the alley if the interested homeowner is purchasing the entire alley or multiplied by ten feet if the alley is being purchased by the interested homeowner and the adjacent homeowner;
      (5)   The City Council must make a motion to approve the sale of the alley; and
      (6)   The City Clerk must file paperwork with court house.
(Prior Code, Art. X, Ch. 1, § 2) (Ord. passed 10-5-2010)