No person shall impound or confined or cause to be impounded or confined, in any place, any domestic animal, or fowl, or any dog or cat, and fail to supply such animal during confinement with a sufficient quantity of food and water, or shall torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, mutilate, overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded, beat, or kill any such animal by means which shall cause unjustified pain, distress or suffering, whether intentionally or negligently.
(A) It is unlawful for any owner to allow dogs, cats, cattle, horses, swine, sheep or other similar animals to run at large within the limits of the city.
(B) It is unlawful for an owner or person to allow dogs, cats, cattle, horses, swine, sheep or other similar animals to be upon or inside the fenced portion of any fenced ball field within the corporate limits of the city. Ball field includes but is not limited to Little League baseball and softball fields, soccer fields or any other ball fields that are enclosed by fencing.