(a) The purpose of this regulation is to establish technically feasible and economically reasonable stormwater management standards to achieve a level of stormwater quality and quantity control that will minimize damage to property and degradation of water resources and will promote and maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City:
(b) This regulation requires owners who develop or re-develop their property within the City to:
(1) Control stormwater runoff from their property and ensure that all Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) are properly designed, constructed, and maintained.
(2) Reduce water quality impacts to receiving water resources that may be caused by new development or redevelopment activities.
(3) Control the volume, rate, and quality of stormwater runoff originating from their property so that surface water and groundwater are protected and flooding and erosion potential are not increased.
(4) Minimize the need to construct, repair, and replace subsurface storm drain systems.
(5) Preserve natural infiltration and ground water recharge, and maintain subsurface flow that replenishes water resources, except in slippage prone soils.
(6) Incorporate stormwater quality and quantity controls into site planning and design at the earliest possible stage in the development process.
(7) Reduce the expense of remedial projects needed to address problems caused by inadequate stormwater management.
(8) Maximize use of SCMs that serve multiple purposes including, but not limited to, flood control, erosion control, fire protection, water quality protection, recreation, and habitat preservation.
(9) Design sites to minimize the number of stream crossings and the width of associated disturbance in order to minimize the City's future expenses related to the maintenance and repair of stream crossings.
(10) Maintain, promote, and re-establish conditions necessary for naturally occurring stream processes that assimilate pollutants, attenuate flood flows, and provide a healthy water resource.
(c) This Chapter shall apply to all parcels used or being developed, either wholly or partially, for new or relocated projects involving highways and roads; underground cables and pipelines; subdivisions or larger common plans of development; industrial, commercial, institutional, or residential projects; building activities on farms; redevelopment activities; grading; and all other uses that are not specifically exempted in Section (e) and as defined by the OEPA NPDES Permit. This Chapter also applies if the earth disturbing activity is only clearly by tree cutting which would change the storm water runoff pattern.
(d) Public entities, including the State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County, and the City shall comply with this regulation for roadway projects initiated after March 10, 2006.
(e) This Chapter does not apply to activities regulated by, and in compliance with:
(1) Land disturbing activities related to producing agricultural crops or silvicultural operations regulated by the Ohio Agricultural Sediment Pollution Abatement Rules.
(2) Strip mining operations regulated by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1513.
(3) Surface mining operations regulated by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1514.
(4) Commercial, industrial and residential home sites disturbing less than four thousand (4,000) square feet of land.
(Ord. 2020-59. Passed 4-20-20.)