Riparian and Wetland Setbacks
Riparian and Wetland Setbacks
1001.01 Purpose and scope.
1001.02 Applicability, compliance and violations.
1001.03 Conflicts with other regulations and severability.
1001.04 Definitions.
1001.05 Establishment of designated watercourses, riparian and wetland setbacks.
1001.06 Applications and site plans.
1001.07 Uses permitted in wetland and riparian setbacks.
1001.08 Uses prohibited in wetland and wetland and riparian setbacks.
1001.09 Non-conforming structures or uses in wetland and riparian setbacks.
1001.10 Variances within wetland and riparian setbacks.
1001.11 Procedures for variances and appeals.
1001.12 Inspection of wetland and riparian setbacks.
1001.99 Penalty.
Illicit discharge and illegal connection control - see P. & Z. Ch. 1003
Erosion and sediment control - see P. & Z. Ch. 1005
Comprehensive stormwater management - see P. & Z. Ch. 1007