Free-standing or ground mounted Wind Energy Facilities shall comply with the following criteria and standards:
(a) Clear Fall Zone. In order to provide for a safe clear fall zone in the event of structural failure, the minimum setback from any property line, electrical transmission line, public right-of-way or easement, or gas well shall be 1.1 times the height of the Wind Energy Facility measured to its highest point.
(b) Minimum Ground Clearance. No moving part of any Wind Energy Facility shall extend to within fifteen feet (15') of the ground.
(c) Maximum Sound Level. The maximum sound produced by a Wind Energy Facility during operation shall not exceed sixty (60) dbA measured at the nearest property line.
(d) Brakes. All Wind Energy Facilities shall be equipped with an automatic over-speed control system, which may be either an electronic or mechanical system, for automatically controlling blade rotation speed so that the design limits of the system are not exceeded.
(e) Wiring. All electrical connections between free-standing or ground mounted Wind Energy Facilities and the principal building shall be located underground. Ground mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access.
(f) Appearance. Lighting of Wind Energy Facilities shall be prohibited. Towers, turbines and blades shall be white, black, or gray. Only monopole towers shall be permitted. No signage or advertising shall be permitted on any Wind Energy Facility, provided however, that each such facility shall have a visible mounted emergency placard eighteen inches (18") by eighteen inches (18") containing the name and emergency contact information of the owner and individual or firm responsible for service and the date of installation of the facility.
(g) Maintenance Required. Wind Energy Facilities shall be properly maintained at all times in compliance with all manufacturers specifications. The immediate grounds around the base of the facility shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
(h) Engineering Report Required. Each-application for a Wind Energy Facility shall be accompanied by a report from a licensed engineer documenting that the proposed system will meet all of the standards set forth herein, that it is designed to handle anticipated wind loads, that the foundation has been properly designed, that it will comply with the clear fall zone requirement, and that it has appropriate over-speed controls.
(i) Anti-Climb Devices Required. Wind Energy Facilities shall be fenced or fitted with anti-climb devices.
(j) Removal. Any Wind Energy Facility which is not operated or ceases to function for a period of six (6) consecutive months or longer shall be deemed abandoned and shall be removed.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)