Roof mounted wind energy facilities may be located on buildings with flat roofs located in the U-3A, U-4A, U-4B, U-5, U-7A, U-8, U-8A, U-9, and U-10 Districts in conformance with the following criteria and standards:
   (a)    Structural Design.  Roof mounted wind energy facilities shall have appropriate structural support.
   (b)    Accessory Components.  All accessory components shall be located either within the principal building or behind the principal building and within the side and rear building setback lines. Ground mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access. Accessory components shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties.
   (c)    Maximum Sound Level.  The maximum sound produced by a Wind Energy Facility during operation shall not exceed sixty (60) dbA measured at the nearest property line.
   (d)    Brakes. All Wind Energy Facilities shall be equipped with an automatic over-speed control system, which may be either an electronic or mechanical system, for automatically controlling blade rotation speed so that the design limits of the system are not exceeded.
   (e)    Appearance. Lighting of Wind Energy Facilities shall be prohibited. Towers, turbines and blades shall be white, black, or gray. No signage or advertising shall be permitted on any Wind Energy Facility.
   (f)    Maintenance Required.  Wind Energy Facilities shall be properly maintained at all times in compliance with all manufacturers specifications. The immediate grounds around the base of the facility shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
   (g)    Engineering Report Required.  Each application for a Wind Energy Facility shall be accompanied by a report from a licensed engineer documenting that the proposed system will meet all of the standards set forth herein, that it is designed to handle anticipated wind loads, that the roof support system has been properly designed, and that it has appropriate over-speed controls.
   (h)   Maximum Height. Roof mounted Wind Energy Facilities shall not extend more than twenty feet (20') above the maximum building height of the Use District in which they are located nor more than thirty feet (30') above the roof level of the building on which the facility is mounted.
      (Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)