(a)    A parking space shall be not less than one hundred and eighty (180) square feet (minimum of nine feet (9') by twenty feet (20')) exclusive of drives and turning spaces.
   (b)    All parking areas and driveways shall be provided with an asphalt, concrete or other similar hard surface designed in accordance with criteria established by the Engineer.  All drive aprons shall be concrete.  All parking areas and driveways shall be graded and drained to provide positive drainage away from buildings, to prevent runoff onto adjacent properties, and to direct storm water to an approved inlet.
   (c)   Concrete or stone curbs at least six inches (6") above the level of the surface of the parking area and at least twelve inches (12") below the surface shall be provided to define the limits of the parking area except at exits and entrances.  Such curbs shall be at least six inches (6") thick.
   (d)   Drive aisles providing direct access to parking spaces shall be a minimum of twenty-four feet (24') in width.  On-site drive aisles that do not provide access to individual parking spaces shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in width.
   (e)   All parking facilities with a capacity of over ten (10) vehicles shall have permanent pavement markings to delineate the spaces.  All parking areas containing more than forty (40) spaces shall contain planting strips or islands to interrupt the mass of paved area, aid in controlling the flow of traffic, and provide visual quality.  A minimum of five (5) square feet of landscaped area shall be provided within the parking area for each one hundred (100) square feet of vehicle use area.
   (f)   Sources of light for illumination of buildings or grounds shall be shielded so that the light source is not directly visible from residential property and light spillage at the property line shall not be greater than 0.1 foot candles and shall be installed in conformance with a lighting plan approved by the Commission.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)