(a)   Ground Area.  The minimum lot size shall be three acres, except for a restaurant or gasoline station which shall be one acre.
   (b)   Schedule.
       (1)    Ground coverage of buildings.
Class P-1 (U 4A)
25 percent
Class P-2 (U-7A)
20 percent
Class P-3 (U-8A)
30 percent (2-story, not to exceed 30 feet)
Class P-3 (U-8A)
40 percent (1 story)
Class P-4 (U-9)
25 percent (free standing restaurant, gasoline station or hotel)
      (2)    Parking garage.  From five feet (5') to ten feet (10') above ground shall be counted as five percent (5%) ground coverage. Less than five feet (5') above ground shall not be counted. Above ten feet (10'), the ground area of the structure shall not be calculated as building coverage, provided that an area equal to the ground area of the parking structure is maintained as landscaping in addition to other required landscaping.
   (c)   Setbacks.  All buildings shall be set back from a public street or highway as follows:
Building Setback From
Right-of-Way Line
Harvard Avenue
75 feet
Richmond Road
75 feet
Green Road
75 feet
Other public streets
1/2 the height of the building and a minimum of 50 feet
   (d)    Side and Rear Yards.  Side and rear yards shall be one half the height of the building and a minimum of five feet. Where adjoining a residential district, where a house exists, the yard shall be two hundred feet (200') from the R-10 building to the closest part of the residential lot. Where there is no house existing, such yard shall be a minimum of one hundred feet (100'). No parking or driveway shall be permitted in one-half of such yard adjoining a residential district. The Commission shall determine the landscaping, mounding, screening or fencing necessary to separate the Districts for the protection of the residential district.
   (e)   Front Yards.  Buildings shall be set back from each public right-of-way a minimum distance of fifty feet (50') plus one foot (1') for each foot of building height in excess of fifty feet (50').
   (f)   Height of Buildings.  Building height shall not exceed one hundred fifty feet (150') exclusive of towers, cornices or other features which may be approved by the Commission.
(Ord. 2018-94.  Passed 10-21-19.)