A preliminary and final Site Development Plan shall be prepared for all improvements within a U-2A District. Site Development Plans shall conform to the standards and criteria of this Chapter and shall be submitted and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1108.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
(a) The height of any residential or main building shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25').
(b) The height of any accessory building, garage or other structure that is not part of any residential or main building shall not exceed twenty feet (25') in height, unless otherwise approved by the Commission and Council.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
1116.06 SETBACKS.
(a) Setbacks.
(1) All buildings shall be set back at least fifty feet (50') from a public street.
(2) Buildings shall be set back twenty-five feet (25') or more from any adjacent lot line.
(3) Garage entrances shall be set back twenty-five feet (25') or more from a private street.
(b) Use of Setbacks. Required setbacks shall not be used for buildings or structures or recreational facilities, such as tennis courts, parking lots, swimming pools, and the like, unless otherwise approved by the Commission and Council.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
Parking areas and driveways shall be properly related to the public street and residential buildings so as to promote safety and convenience and to minimize congestion or hazards.
(a) Every planned development in a District shall provide garage space for two vehicles for every living unit and at least one open visitor parking space, not on a public street, for each living unit. Such garage and open visitor parking space shall be at least nine feet (9') by twenty feet (20') per car and shall comply with all of the specifications applicable thereto in this Code and in the Building Code, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter.
(b) Access driveways from public streets shall be limited in number. Such access driveways shall be planned and constructed at locations designed to avoid traffic congestion and hazard, and shall first be approved by the Commission.
(c) All streets in this District to be dedicated to the City shall be constructed in accordance with the standards established by the Engineer for public streets. Private streets not to be dedicated:
(1) Shall be permanent hard-surfaced pavement sufficient to carry moving van trucks and fire vehicles;
(2) Shall not provide any through traffic between public streets; and
(3) Shall be approved by the Engineer.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
In order to ensure the park-like character of the City and to provide environmental amenities to the occupants of the development, land area not covered by buildings, parking areas, drives, sidewalks, plazas, or other hard-surfaced uses shall be developed and maintained in grass or other landscape material, in accordance with the general plan approved by the Commission.
(a) Minimum Area. Open space shall not be less than fifty percent (50%) of the site and may include required setbacks, patios, private gardens, sidewalks, private yards, garage roofs at ground level that are covered with earth and grass, and landscaping or other decorative features.
(b) Required Private Open Space for Residential Uses. Every dwelling unit shall have available to it separate private yards, patios or courts containing at least four-hundred (400) square feet, with screening provided as part of the planned development, so as to ensure adequate privacy, all in accordance with the general plan approved by the Commission. (Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
A lighting plan shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval. Such plan shall be designed to promote the safety of pedestrians and vehicles and the protection of persons and property.
(a) Private Street and Property Lighting. Lighting units on private streets and property shall not exceed fifteen feet (15') in height and shall be so shielded from adjoining residences so as to limit interference with other property.
(b) Public Street Lighting. Public street lighting shall be subject to the approval of the Commission. (Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)
Buildings, site development and uses shall be designed and arranged so as to provide a unified building complex which will be an asset to the City, to residents and to occupants of the development.
(a) All utilities serving the buildings and site, including electricity, telephone and all supporting equipment therefor, including meters, transformers and the like, shall conform to City ordinances.
(b) All buildings and grounds shall be designed, constructed and maintained as approved in the Site Development Plan. All landscaping, sidewalks, pedestrian plazas, parking areas and building exteriors shall be maintained free of any unsafe, unsightly or blighting condition which deteriorates the appearance, character, safety or value of the City or the surrounding area.
(c) The developers and, after formation, the condominium association, shall make provision for the maintenance, upkeep, and repair of common land, utilities, roofs, walls, driveways, sidewalks, and other areas or facilities under common or joint use, and for the payment of expenses, taxes, and assessments thereon, and shall establish standards for the maintenance and repair of all areas, in accordance with laws applicable to condominium or incorporated association ownership. Such provisions, agreements, easements, and covenants shall be on file with the City, shall conform to all applicable laws regarding housing, zoning, sanitation, safety, and welfare, shall identify the person responsible for repairs and maintenance and shall inform the Building Department of the name of the initial owner or tenant. Thereafter, the condominium association shall keep accurate records of the names and addresses of each owner of each unit and the name of each tenant in possession and inform the Inspector of Buildings of any change within fifteen (15) days after transfer.
(d) All developments shall be designed and constructed so as to relate to and to improve the character and quality of the surrounding properties and the City. Areas of development not to be occupied by buildings, road pavement, sidewalks, parking areas or recreation facilities shall be retained in their existing wooded state or maintained in landscaping as approved by the Commission. The orientation and construction of buildings and the location of private space and common space should be designed to promote the utmost privacy and individuality of units and to form a unified composition of buildings and space and a variety of perspectives according to sound architectural and planning principles.
(Ord. 2018-94. Passed 10-21-19.)