A.   Adoption: The Board of Trustees shall annually adopt an ordinance setting forth the applicable fees and charges due for the various licenses, permits, and services authorized by this Code and by other Village codes or regulations. Whenever reference is made to the "fee schedule of the Village", such reference shall mean the most current annual fee schedule of the Village ordinance adopted pursuant to this section. The annual fee schedule of the Village, as the same may, from time to time, be amended, is set forth in chapter 3.10 of this title. Until such time as the annual fee schedule of the Village is amended, the most recently passed schedule of fees shall remain in full force and effect.
   B.   Applicability: Each fee, charge, rate or regulatory measure set forth in the fee schedule of the Village, as amended shall apply to the provisions of the corresponding section of this Code or other ordinances in which reference is made to the "fee schedule of the Village". Whenever any provision of this Code or other ordinance refers to the "fee schedule of the Village" but no corresponding fee, charge, rate or regulatory measure is set forth in the fee schedule of the Village, as amended, the fee, charge, rate or regulatory measure shall be the fee, charge, rate or regulatory measure most recently in effect prior to the adoption of this section, notwithstanding any prior repeal of the ordinance imposing such fee, charge, rate or other regulatory measure. This section shall not apply to nor have any effect on any fee, charge, rate or regulatory measure, or any other amount for which there is no express reference to the "fee schedule of the Village".
   C.   Periodic Review: The fees, charges, rates and regulatory measures set forth in the fee schedule of the Village, as amended shall be periodically reviewed, no less frequently than annually, by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Beach Park. Accordingly, some or all of the provisions of this section and the fee schedule may be amended from time to time. Each provision of this section and the fee schedule shall remain in full force and effect unless expressly amended or repealed by subsequent ordinance. (Ord. 2014-O-36)