A.   Landscaping: Reasonable landscaping, as described herein, shall be required to screen as much of the support structure as reasonable and feasible. The fencing surrounding the support structure and any other ground level features (such as a building), shall be designed to soften the appearance of the facility site. The village may permit any combination of existing vegetation, berming, topography, walls, decorative fences or other features instead of landscaping, if this achieves the same objective of screening the facility. If the antenna is mounted flush on an existing building, and all other equipment is either housed inside an existing building or screened from view, landscaping shall not be required, except as otherwise required by other village code provisions.
   B.   Screening: The visual impacts of a tower in residential and adjacent to residential areas shall be mitigated through landscaping or other screening materials at the base of the tower and ancillary structures. The following landscaping and buffering of towers shall be required around the perimeter of the tower and accessory structures. Landscaping shall be installed on the outside of fences. Further, existing vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable and may be used as a substitute for or to supplement compliance with landscaping requirements.
      1.   A row of evergreen trees a minimum of six feet (6') tall at planting and a maximum of six feet (6') apart shall be planted around the perimeter of the fence unless adequate landscaping or screening is in place, or the village determines otherwise.
      2.   Owner shall maintain all fencing and landscaping including replacing any landscaping, if necessary. If the village specifically requests the owner to replace fencing or landscaping the owner shall promptly comply with any such request. (Ord. 1997-O-26)