The completion and acceptance of public improvements shall be in accordance with the following:
A. Improvements shall be completed within two (2) years of the recording of the final plat.
B. All bonds for all public improvements shall be in full force and effect from the date of the recording of the final plat until approval and acceptance of the public improvements by the president and board of trustees.
C. In addition to other postconstruction and acceptance requirements detailed elsewhere in this title, reproducible as built drawings of the approved final engineering plans shall be supplied to the village prior to acceptance. The drawings shall contain the following additional minimum elements:
1. Major utility relocations (i.e., structures, grades, streetlights);
2. Rim and invert elevations and horizontal locations of all wetwells, manholes, catch basins, inlets and valve vaults and grade ring elevations and horizontal locations of all fire hydrants. Horizontal locations shall be designated with road stationing and offsets, or by at least two (2) separate dimensions to property lines or permanent physical structures. Invert elevations shall be given for each pipe entering or exiting a structure;
3. Lateral location by dimension from the downstream manhole of sanitary sewer and water services including individual service boxes;
4. Sufficient information to determine that the detention and retention and conveyance facilities are substantially in accordance with the approved engineering plans and contain the required storage volume, including as built contours, outlet restrictor and overflow sizes and elevations, and storage volume calculations;
5. Road centerline, curb and sidewalk horizontal location. Provide road centerline elevations;
6. Locations of all streetlights and electrical lines associated with the streetlight system.
D. Reproducible as built drawings of the approved final engineering plans shall be supplied to the village prior to acceptance. The drawings shall contain the following additional minimum elements:
1. Major utility relocations (i.e., structures, grades, streetlights);
2. Rim elevations of all manholes, catch basins, inlets and valve vaults and grade ring elevations of all fire hydrants;
3. Lateral location by dimension of sanitary sewer and water services including individual service boxes;
4. Sufficient information to determine that the detention and retention facilities are substantially in accordance with the approved engineering plans and contain the required storage volumes.
E. Upon completion of the improvements, the applicant may request release of the bond by providing a certificate from the village engineer that all improvements are constructed in accordance with the specifications of this title and by providing as built drawings of all improvements covered by the bond. A certificate shall not be signed with respect to sewer mains until they have been properly tested and televised. The applicant shall also tender a warranty bill of sale for all improvements in a form acceptable to the village attorney indicating said improvements are complete, are ready for dedication to the village, and are free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances.
F. Upon receipt of the certification of the village engineer that a public improvement has been installed in conformity with approved plans and specifications, the president and board of trustees of the village shall adopt a motion formally approving said public improvement. In the event said public improvement is to be dedicated to the village pursuant to this title, the motion shall formally accept said public improvement, at which time it shall become the property of the village. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)