A pedestrian circulation system shall be provided in the development or subdivision to connect individual dwelling units with parking and garbage disposal areas, to connect neighboring dwelling units, and to connect groups of dwelling units with schools, parks, commercial facilities, and other community facilities.
   A.   Criteria For Type Of Pedestrian Circulation System:
      1.   The village board shall approve the type of pedestrian circulation system appropriate for the subdivision and for the village, which may require the physical separation of the pedestrian circulation system from the vehicular circulation system, depending upon:
         a.   The size of the subdivision.
         b.   The pathway system, if any, used on adjacent property.
         c.   The topography of the property.
         d.   The official plan of the village.
         e.   The presence of any "linear" physical features on the site, such as utility rights of way, and other similar features.
         f.   The amount of unsubdivided property adjacent to the subject site.
         g.   The location of schools, parks, and community focal points.
      2.   If the pedestrian circulation system is physically separated from the vehicular circulation system, the village board may approve a reduction in the right of way width of local streets.
   B.   Design Layout:
      1.   The layout of the system shall have a reasonable relationship to connections between residential areas and schools, areawide parks, commercial facilities, work areas, existing or potential public transportation points, and other community facilities in a convenient and logical fashion.
      2.   The circulation system shall improve or assure public access at locations offering unusual overlooks or other particularly interesting physical features.
      3.   Extensions into adjoining property should be provided.
      4.   Conflict points with vehicular traffic shall be minimized, and shall be located only where there are adequate sight distance, grade separation and/or appropriate safety devices.
      5.   The circulation system shall be selected to have minimum practical change in grade throughout its length and shall follow the natural slope of the land.
      6.   The circulation system shall provide for rest areas.
      7.   The system shall be built to applicable village engineering standards.
   C.   Location: The circulation system shall be located within public rights of way, public easements, common areas maintained by a homeowners' association, parks, or schools sites. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)