A.   Limited Completion Time Of Public Improvements: Construction of all required public improvements must be completed within two (2) years from the date of final plat approval unless good cause can be shown to the village board for granting an extension of time. A request for an extension shall not stop the running of the two (2) year period. No extension shall be granted unless adequate guarantee collateral has been received and approved by the village board.
   B.   Project Representation: The developer shall be represented by a project engineer to observe the construction of the public improvements, to provide construction guidance, to certify construction in conformance with the approved improvement plans and specifications, to review and certify the quantities of work items on any reductions in the construction guarantee, to witness required tests in the presence of the village engineer and to prepare record drawings. All inspection reports of the project engineer and required test results shall be submitted to the village prior to final acceptance.
   C.   Village Engineer: The village engineer will conduct periodic observations of the public improvements, witness the tests of the public improvements, review and recommend action relative to the construction guarantee, advise the village of potential problems and conduct semifinal and final inspections of the improvements. The developer shall reimburse the village for all services and costs of the village engineer incurred by the village.
   D.   Preconstruction Meeting: Prior to beginning of the installation of any improvements, the developer, the project engineer, and general contractor shall attend a preconstruction meeting with village staff, the village engineer, and other appropriate authorities. The purpose of the meeting shall be to review acceptable site development and construction practices in accordance with the construction control plan and village ordinances and policies. Following the preconstruction meeting and the posting of the construction guarantee, payment of fees and insurance acceptable to the village, the developer may begin construction of land improvements.
   E.   Shop Drawings: Where appropriate, the developer shall submit shop drawings to the village engineer for review and approval prior to the installation of materials and equipment.
   F.   Notice To Village Engineer: Whenever testing is required by this title to be performed in the presence of the village engineer, the developer shall provide a minimum of two (2) full business days notice to the village engineer of the time such tests are scheduled to take place. If such notice is not provided, retesting may be required.
   G.   Record Drawings: During construction, the developer shall keep an accurate record of all construction work performed. Upon completion and prior to acceptance by the village of the completed public improvements, the developer shall have prepared and shall submit to the village "record drawings" showing complete "as built" information for all improvements. The record drawings shall be prepared and sealed by a registered professional engineer and shall contain a certification that all improvements have been constructed in accordance with the approved final engineering plans or with approved changes thereto. The record drawings shall consist of one set of reproducible Mylar drawings, two (2) sets of prints or copies, and one compact disc containing a copy of the record drawings in a format compatible with the version of Microstation currently in use by the village engineer.
   H.   Operation And Maintenance Manuals: Where appropriate, the developer shall submit operation and maintenance manuals to the village engineer for review and approval prior to acceptance.
   I.   Final Inspection: The village engineer in the presence of the developer, project engineer, and contractors shall make a final inspection of the completed work, and shall report the findings and recommendations to the village board.
   J.   Connections: No permanent connection shall be made with the sanitary sewer, storm sewer, or water distribution system until such connection has been approved by the village and all permit fees for the connection have been paid.
   K.   Certifications For Construction Guarantee Reduction: Prior to the village authorizing any construction guarantee reduction, the developer shall submit to the village a request for said reduction along with certifications from the developer and project engineer that the public improvements included under the construction guarantee have been constructed in substantial compliance with the village approved improvement plans and specifications. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)