A.   General:
      1.   All subdivisions containing lots of less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet in area shall have a system of sanitary sewers serving each lot, connecting to an approved wastewater treatment system. In addition, any building located within the village, the property line of which is located within two hundred feet (200') of a sanitary sewer, shall be connected to the sanitary sewer. For all other lots, the village may permit individual sewage disposal facilities; provided, that in the opinion of the village and the Lake County health department, standard seepage tests or other investigations indicate that the ground is suitable for individual sewage disposal facilities.
      2.   Unless otherwise approved by the village, any parcel and/or building located outside the village shall be required to annex into the village prior to connecting the village sewer system, and any and all expenses to extend said sewer system are totally the developer's expense.
      3.   Unless otherwise modified in this chapter, sewer systems and sewage treatment facilities shall meet the requirements set forth by the Illinois environmental protection agency, the village, and the appropriate sanitary district (where applicable). Sanitary and storm sewer systems shall not be combined.
      4.   Sump pump connections to the sanitary sewer system are prohibited.
   B.   Individual Sewage Disposal Facilities:
      1.   Individual sewage disposal facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the minimum standards specified in the rules and regulations of the Lake County health department.
      2.   Individual sewage disposal facilities shall be disapproved whenever the village or the Lake County health department finds that the drainage, soil conditions, or other conditions are unsuitable for such facilities or when public health and safety or the environment may be impaired.
   C.   Sanitary Sewer Systems:
      1.   Compliance With State Regulations: Unless otherwise modified in this section, sanitary sewer systems shall be designed in accordance with the Illinois recommended standards for sewage works, the standard specifications for water main and sewer main construction in Illinois.
      2.   Submission Of Plans: Sanitary sewer system designs (including gravity sewers, lift stations, force mains and appurtenances) shall be submitted for review and approval to the village engineer, Lake County public works department, other local agencies or municipalities responsible for transporting or treating sewage from the proposed development, and the Illinois environmental protection agency.
      3.   Extension Of Sewers: Sanitary sewers extended to serve the proposed development or subdivision shall be extended to the far property lines of the development or subdivision as determined by the village engineer to allow for future expansion of the system. In addition, sanitary sewer service stubs shall be provided to the property line for existing, proposed and future sanitary sewer service connections.
      4.   Capacity Of System: Sewer connections shall only be allowed if it can be demonstrated that the downstream sewerage facilities have sufficient reserve capacity to adequately and efficiently handle the additional anticipated waste load.
      5.   Service Area: All sanitary sewers shall be designed to accommodate an ultimate service area as identified by the village. If extensions of sewers beyond the limits of the proposed development result in additional construction costs, the village may provide an agreement for the recapture by the developer of the additional costs when future system extensions are made. Recapture payments will be made to the developer only after those benefiting from the extended service area have made payment to the village.
      6.   Location Of Sewers: The village engineer shall approve the location of proposed sanitary sewers. All sanitary sewers shall be constructed within public rights of way or within easements dedicated for public utilities.
      7.   Design Flows:
         a.   Residential Developments:
            (1)   Design flows for residential developments shall be based upon full development of the service area. Design flow assumptions shall be subject to the approval of the Illinois environmental protection agency, the village engineer, and the North Shore sanitary district (if applicable).
            (2)   Average daily design flows for residential developments shall be a minimum of one hundred (100) gallons per capita per day.
            (3)   The peak design flow shall be calculated using the Illinois recommended standards for sewage works.
         b.   Nonresidential Developments:
            (1)   Design flows for nonresidential developments shall be based upon full development of the service area. The daily average design flow shall be calculated in accordance with the North Shore sanitary district calculation procedures. The estimated process water requirements shall be added to the calculated figure to determine the final average daily design flow.
            (2)   The peak design flow shall be calculated based upon projected flow conditions and shall be subject to the approval of the village engineer.
         c.   Sewerage System Capacity: The flows presented in this chapter are considered minimum allowable flows. The village engineer may require greater flows if deemed necessary due to the type of use proposed. The developer shall be ultimately responsible for the provision of sufficient sanitary sewerage system capacity to serve any and all future requirements within the development.
      8.   Sewer Design Hydraulics:
         a.   Sanitary gravity sewers shall be designed to provide design flow capacity, without surcharging, using Manning's formula.
         b.   Design mean velocity, flowing full, shall not be less than two feet per second (2 fps) or greater than fifteen feet per second (15 fps).
         c.   Sewers which will flow less than one-half (1/2) full at design maximum flow shall have a slope to provide a velocity not less than two feet per second (2 fps) at the design maximum flow.
         d.   For sanitary sewer diameters less than twelve inches (12"), the maximum ultimate design flow shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the sewer capacity. For sanitary sewers less than twelve inches (12") in diameter, the maximum ultimate design flow shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the sewer capacity.
      9.   Minimum Sewer Size And Slope:
         a.   Minimum sanitary sewer size shall be eight inches (8") diameter.
         b.   Minimum sanitary sewer service connection size shall be six inches (6") diameter. Sanitary sewer service connections shall be laid at a slope of at least one percent (1%).
      10.   Alignment: Sewer shall be laid straight in both horizontal and vertical planes between manholes, unless otherwise approved by the village engineer.
      11.   Sewer Size Changes: Sanitary sewers of different diameter or material shall join only at manholes. The invert elevations shall be adjusted to maintain a uniform energy gradient by matching the 0.8 depth points of the differing diameter pipes.
      12.   Manholes:
         a.   Manholes shall be located at the end of all sewers; at all changes in pipe size, material, shape, direction, or gradient; and at all junctions with other sanitary sewers. An inspection/sampling manhole shall be required within ten feet (10') of any commercial, industrial, or multi-family building. Manholes shall be located so that the following maximum intervals are not exceeded:
Pipe Size (Inches)
Maximum Interval (Feet)
8 to 16
18 to 54
         b.   An outside drop manhole shall be provided for manholes with any pipe entering the manhole twenty four inches (24") or more above the invert of the outlet pipe.
         c.   Special manholes or junction chambers shall be designed and constructed to the satisfaction of the village engineer where flows and other conditions dictate.
      13.   Depth Of Cover: Sanitary sewers shall be constructed with a minimum cover of five feet (5') unless otherwise approved by the village engineer.
      14.   Pipe Class: Sanitary sewerage system pipe class shall be determined by using ASTM rigid or flexible pipe design strength formulas as applicable.
      15.   Lift Stations:
         a.   Whenever possible, sanitary sewerage facilities shall be designed to avoid the necessity of lift stations.
         b.   Lift stations shall be of the wet well type and shall be subject to the approval of the village engineer.
         c.   A generator or a dual connection to the power supply system shall be required.
         d.   Air and vacuum release valves shall be installed in vaults at appropriate places in the force main. Cleanouts shall be installed at convenient points in the force main.
         e.   An autodialer approved by the village engineer shall be installed.
      16.   Allowable Materials: Unless otherwise required or approved by the village engineer, the following materials may be used.
         a.   Sewer Pipe:
            (1)   PVC pipe conforming to the requirements of ASTM D-3034, minimum class SDR 26, with push on joints conforming to ASTM D-3212 and ASTM F-477.
            (2)   Within fifty feet (50') of a water supply well, sewer pipe shall be PVC pipe conforming to the requirements of ASTM D-2241, DR21, with elastomeric joints conforming to ASTM D-3139.
            (3)   Ductile iron pipe conforming to the requirements of ANSI 21.51, minimum class 52, with push on joints conforming to ANSI 21.11, ANSI A21.4 cement mortar lining and bituminous seal coat, and ANSI A21.8 bituminous exterior coating. Polyethylene encasement shall be provided.
         b.   Force Main:
            (1)   Ductile iron pipe conforming to the requirements of ANSI 21.51, minimum class 52, with push on joints conforming to ANSI 21.11, ANSI 21.4 cement mortar lining with bituminous seal coat, and ANSI A21.8 bituminous exterior coating. Polyethylene encasement shall be provided.
            (2)   PVC pipe conforming to the requirements of AWWA C900, minimum class SDR 18 with push on joints conforming to ASTM D-3139. Magnetic utility line marking tape shall be provided.
         c.   Pipe Sleeves For Auguring Or Tunneling: Steel sleeves conforming to the requirements of ASTM A-139 with welded joints.
         d.   Manholes:
            (1)   Manholes shall be precast, reinforced concrete conforming to ASTM C-478 with O-ring or preformed bituminous joints and integral precast bottoms with invert flow lines.
            (2)   Manholes shall have offset cones with steps. No more than two (2) adjusting rings shall be allowed for a total possible adjustment of eight inches (8").
            (3)   All pipe connection openings shall be precast with resilient rubber watertight pipe to manhole sleeves. Flexible watertight sleeves (chimney seals) shall be installed from the manhole cone to the manhole casting.
            (4)   Manholes for sewers twenty four inches (24") or less in diameter shall be forty eight inches (48") in diameter. Manholes for sewers twenty seven inches (27") in diameter or larger shall be sixty inches (60") in diameter. The required manhole diameter shall be increased if warranted by the number and size of pipes entering the structure.
            (5)   Frames and watertight solid lids for manholes shall be Neenah R-1712 or approved equal. Lids shall be embossed with "SANITARY SEWER" and "VILLAGE OF BEACH PARK". Lids shall have recessed pick holes. Frames and covers for manholes located within floodplain areas and having a rim elevation below the flood protection elevations shall be watertight, lock type covers equivalent to Neenah R-1916-F or equal.
         e.   Air And Vacuum Release Valves: Air and vacuum release valves shall be as approved by the village engineer.
      17.   Construction:
         a.   All sewers, force mains, and appurtenances shall be installed in conformance with the standard specifications for water and sewer main construction in Illinois and this title.
         b.   No construction shall begin until copies of the required permits from the pertinent public agencies and required insurance certificates have been filed with the village engineer.
         c.   No construction shall begin until at least forty eight (48) hours after the village engineer has been notified of the intention to begin construction.
         d.   The proposed outlet pipe to the existing sanitary sewerage system shall be plugged at the lowest new manhole with a masonry or mechanical plumber's plug to prevent any flow from the new sanitary sewerage system from reaching the existing sanitary sewerage system. The plug shall not be removed without the permission of the village engineer. If required by the village engineer, the open end of any installed pipe shall be sealed with a watertight plug until the next pipe is added.
         e.   Pipe bedding shall support the pipe at all points. For ductile iron and concrete pipe, pipe bedding shall consist of over excavation of the trench bottom and refilling to proper grade with a minimum of four inches (4") of compacted (95 percent standard proctor) CA-6 grade 8 or 9 granular material. For PVC pipe, pipe bedding shall consist of compacted (95 percent standard proctor) class 1A, CA-5 crushed limestone with a maximum size of one and one-half inch (1.5") in accordance with ASTM D-2321-89. Pipe bedding shall be continued to at least one foot (1') above the top of the pipe in maximum six inch (6") lifts. Where deemed necessary by the village engineer based on site and load conditions, concrete cradle or encasement shall be required.
         f.   If a significant amount of water enters the trench during pipe laying, it shall be removed before operations may continue.
         g.   All joints in force mains requiring the use of fittings shall be thrust blocked where undisturbed earth is available to spread the reaction forces. Where undisturbed earth is not available, the plans shall include a detail of a Mega lug joint restraint system to absorb reaction forces and to transmit them to undisturbed earth. The Mega lug joint restraint system shall be subject to the approval of the village engineer. Blocking of fittings shall be done so that the blocking does not interfere with access to the adjacent joints.
         h.   The trench shall be carefully backfilled. Backfilling shall not be done until installation of the sewer has been inspected and approved by the village engineer. In unpaved areas, previously excavated materials shall be deposited in maximum twelve inch (12") lifts and shall be mechanically compacted to eighty five percent (85%) standard proctor. Under utilities, structures, or paved surfaces (including, but not limited to, streets, sidewalks, and driveways) or structure or in the influence area below paved surfaces, structures or utilities, backfill shall be either CA-6 trench backfill placed in six inch (6") layers and compacted to ninety five percent (95%) standard proctor or acceptable excavated materials placed in eight inch (8") layers and compacted to ninety five percent (95%) standard proctor. The influence area shall be considered the area within lines sloped downward at forty five degrees (45°) from the outer edges of paving, foundations, and utility lines.
         i.   Sanitary sewer service connections to manholes shall empty at or near the bottom of the manhole, but in no case more than twenty four inches (24") above the bottom manhole invert.
         j.   The developer shall deliver to the village engineer a record of all sanitary service connections, each one located by a measurement to the nearest downstream manhole. The end of each sanitary service connection stub shall be marked with a green color four by four inch (4 x 4") timber extending vertically from two feet (2') above the end of a stub to three feet (3') above the finished grade. The timber marker locations shall be recorded with measurements to nearby lot corners and to the back of curb or other permanent structure. Final village acceptance of the sanitary sewerage system shall not be given until this report is received and approved by the village engineer.
      18.   Inspection And Testing: All sanitary sewers and appurtenances shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to final inspection and testing.
         a.   Inspection:
            (1)   The developer shall have an employee in charge on site at all times that the construction of the sanitary sewerage system is underway. The developer shall be fully responsible for the quality of the materials and methods of the construction work and shall bear full responsibility for insuring the sanitary sewerage system meets the requirements of the village.
            (2)   Upon completion of construction and prior to the beginning of the maintenance warranty period, a videotaped television inspection shall be performed on all sections of the sewer. Videotapes and written reports for all television inspections shall be provided to the village prior to the acceptance of the sanitary sewerage system. The report shall include the footage traveled by the camera recorded as each stub is passed. The village engineer shall approve the form of the report and the videotape. All fees and costs involved in this television inspection shall be borne by the developer.
            (3)   The village engineer will inspect the sanitary sewerage system during construction as deemed necessary. The village engineer shall not be responsible to direct the work of the developer but shall be responsible only to assess the acceptability of the improvements as constructed. In no case shall the village engineer be responsible for day to day quality control.
         b.   Testing:
            (1)   The maximum allowable infiltration shall be one hundred (100) gallons per inch diameter per mile per day for any section of the sanitary sewerage system. The joints shall be tight and any joint with visible leakage or any section of the sanitary sewerage system with infiltration in excess of that specified above shall be sufficient cause for village rejection of the system.
            (2)   The developer shall pay for the sanitary sewerage system testing program. Testing shall include the following methods:
               (A)   Infiltration Test: Immediately after backfilling, the entire length of the sewer trench including stubs shall be inundated to normal groundwater level or to eighteen inches (18") above the top of the pipe, whichever is higher. To measure the amount of infiltration, the contractor shall furnish, install, and maintain a V-notch sharp crested weir in a metal frame tightly secured at the lower end of each sewer test section as directed by the village engineer. The weir shall be installed twenty four (24) hours before the test is to be made. Infiltration will be measured by measuring the flow rate over the weir. When infiltration is demonstrated to be within the allowable limits, the contractor shall remove such weirs.
               (B)   Air Test: An air test in accordance with standard specifications for water and sewer main construction in Illinois.
               (C)   Deflection Test: For flexible thermoplastic pipe the test shall be in accordance with standard specifications for water and sewer main construction in Illinois and shall not be performed prior to thirty (30) days following installation.
            (3)   Repairs made to the sanitary sewerage system in order to fulfill the requirements of this section shall be permanent and shall be equal in quality to new work constructed in accordance with this section. All such repairs shall be at the expense of the developer. All tests to the sanitary sewer system must be repeated following any sanitary sewer repair.
            (4)   Should the sanitary sewer system fail any one test, or should visual inspection indicate deficiencies, the system shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the village engineer despite any positive testing results by other testing methods.
      19.   As Built Drawings: For all projects, as built drawings shall be submitted to the village engineer showing the actual locations and grades of sewers, force mains, and manholes, and the locations of service connections to the main and terminus of the service.
   D.   Community Treatment Facilities: Unless otherwise modified in this chapter, community wastewater treatment facilities shall be designed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Illinois environmental protection agency and additional requirements as established by the village engineer. Plans, specifications, and construction work shall be subject to the approval and inspection of the Illinois environmental protection agency and the village engineer. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)