16.19.080: STREETS:
   A.   General:
      1.   Layout: The layout of streets shall conform to existing regulations and policies and shall be based on thorough consideration of topography and drainage; public convenience and safety; existing street pattern; future circulation needs of nearby lands; and proposed uses of land being subdivided. Streets extended to serve the proposed development or subdivision shall be extended to the far property lines of the property to allow for future expansion of the roadway network. In lieu of constructing the street improvements, an applicant for a single residence may, with the approval of the village, provide an escrow fund as described in chapter 16.24 of this title.
      2.   Continuation To Surrounding Areas: Where such is not shown in the maps that are a part of the official comprehensive plan, the arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall either:
         a.   Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing principal streets in surrounding areas; or
         b.   Conform to a plan for the area or neighborhood approved or adopted by the village board to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuance or conformance to existing streets impracticable.
      3.   Local Streets: Local streets shall be laid out as to discourage high speed or through traffic.
      4.   Cul-De-Sacs: Cul-de-sacs shall not be more than one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') in length measured along the centerline from the intersection of the street of origin to the center of the turnaround. For developments with lots under forty thousand (40,000) square feet, maximum length shall be five hundred feet (500').
      5.   Reserve Strips: Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited. Streets paralleling the subdivision boundary shall be located not less than one lot depth from said boundary. All streets shall be extended to the subdivision boundary.
      6.   Intersections: All street intersections and junctions shall be laid out to encourage safe traffic flow. Street intersections shall be at right angles. Where unusual conditions exist, the village engineer may recommend intersections of less than ninety degrees (90°) but not less than sixty degrees (60°). In no case shall two (2) intersections be offset less than one hundred fifty feet (150') for local roads, and four hundred feet (400') for all other roads, measured centerline to centerline of each road.
      7.   Half Streets: Half streets shall not be permitted except by variance under special circumstances. Under no circumstances shall total pavement width be less than eighteen feet (18').
      8.   Marginal Access Street: Wherever a subdivision borders on or contains the right of way of a limited access highway, a railroad or a utility right of way, a street may be required approximately parallel to, and on either side of, such right of way for a distance suitable to service such properties or uses which front thereon.
      9.   Boundary Streets: Streets shall not be laid out on the boundary of a subdivision. Exceptions to this may be permitted when the village board finds that such streets are desirable for further expansion or where such streets will conform to the existing street system.
      10.   Alleys: Alleys in residential areas shall not be permitted.
      11.   Culverts And Bridges: Adequate drainage structures shall be provided.
      12.   Curbs And Gutters:
         a.   In all developments or subdivisions where underground storm drainage systems are required or proposed, curbs and gutters shall be provided.
         b.   In all subdivisions of lots less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet, concrete curbs and gutters shall be provided.
      13.   Sidewalks: In all subdivisions where lots are less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet, sidewalks shall be provided along both sides of all streets and cul-de-sacs. The village board may also require that sidewalks be provided elsewhere, where considered necessary for public safety.
      14.   Street Names: No street names shall be used which will duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets. Street names shall be submitted by the developer in advance to the appropriate local U.S. postal service office and appropriate emergency services office for review and comment and shall be subject to the approval of the village board.
      15.   Street Signs And Pavement Markings: Signs giving names of streets shall be erected at all street intersections. Pavement markings shall be installed at locations designated by the village engineer.
      16.   Streetlights: Streetlights shall be provided conforming to the requirements of this title.
   B.   Roadway Design Standards:
      1.   Specifications: Unless otherwise specified, all construction shall conform to the provisions of the latest edition of the "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction" by the Illinois department transportation (IDOT).
      2.   Roadway Grades: Roadway grades shall provide proper relation between the roadway and the first floor elevation of the houses or buildings which abut it and shall permit convenient and economical access to, and drainage of, the lots.
      3.   Stopping Sight Distance: Stopping sight distance shall be based on a line of sight, one end of which is three feet nine inches (3'9") above the pavement and the other end six inches (6") above the pavement. Minimum stopping sight distance on collector streets shall be three hundred feet (300'). Local streets shall have stopping sight distance of not less than two hundred feet (200').
      4.   Intersection Sight Distance: The minimum intersection sight distance is four hundred ten feet (410') for a posted speed limit of thirty (30) miles per hour. AASHTO's policy of geometric design of highways and streets should be consulted for other posted speed limits. Minimum right of way and pavement radii shall be twenty five feet (25').
      5.   Table Of Minimum Standards For Village Street And Roadway Design: Unless otherwise indicated on the official plan of Beach Park or required by other agencies, the table presented as appendix B (section 16.36.010 of this title) shall apply to streets and roadways.
      6.   Minimum Thickness: The minimum thickness of allowable materials by street classification for village streets is as follows:
Aggregate Base
Bituminous Base
Bituminous Binder
Bituminous Surface
8 inches
5 inches
2.5 inches
1.5 inches
12 inches
2.5 inches
1.5 inches
Commercial/ industrial
10 inches
5 inches
3 inches
2.5 inches
   Shoulders: Where curb and gutter is not required, shoulders shall not be less than four feet (4') in width and shall consist of not less than two feet (2') of aggregate shoulders, type B, adjacent to the surface course, and not less than two feet (2') of earth shoulder adjacent to the aggregate shoulder material.
   Alternative sections with equivalent structural characteristics may be allowed with specific approval by the village engineer.
      7.   Roadway Construction Specifications:
         a.   General Requirements: Roadway pavements shall be designed in accordance with structural design methods described in the IDOT design manual. All materials shall be sampled and tested by a qualified third party testing facility to ensure conformance with quality requirements of this title. All public roadways shall be constructed using materials and construction practices in accordance with the IDOT standard specifications (as defined elsewhere). Bituminous mixes shall conform to specifications set forth by IDOT bureau of local roads.
         b.   Aggregate Base Course:
            (1)   Width: The base course shall extend a minimum of one foot (1') outside of the surface width on both sides of the road or one foot (1') beyond the back of curb.
            (2)   Materials: Allowable base course materials shall include aggregate base course, CA-6, grade 8 or 9 (100 percent crushed stone), or bituminous concrete binder course min. MS. - 1700 all as specified in the IDOT "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction".
         c.   Binder Course Materials: Bituminous concrete binder course, class I, type 2, mixture D, compacted to ninety three percent (93%) modified proctor, or Superpave IL-19.0L (low ESAL).
         d.   Surface Course Materials: Bituminous concrete surface course, class I, type 2, compacted to ninety three percent (93%) modified proctor, or Superpave IL-9.5L (low ESAL). No recycled bituminous material will be permitted in the final bituminous surface course mixture unless approved by the village engineer.
         e.   Prime Coat Materials: Prior to construction of the binder course, the complete aggregate base course shall be primed with a bituminous material, MC-30 or an approved equal, at a minimum application rate of 0.30 gallons per square yard.
         f.   Tack Coat Materials: Prior to construction of the final surface course on previously constructed binder course subjected to extended traffic use, a bituminous tack coat shall be applied to the surface of said binder course.
         g.   Surface Crown: The surface of all roadways shall have a uniform slope from the centerline to the edge of 0.02 feet per foot. Private streets in nonresidential developments and subdivisions without a crown shall have a cross pavement slope from side to side of 0.02 feet per foot.
         h.   Ditches:
            (1)   Where curb and gutter is not required, ditches shall be constructed on both sides of the roadway outside of the shoulder line. Ditches shall be sized to convey the 100-year return frequency design storm but in no case shall have a depth of less than two feet (2') below the edge of the roadway surface and a one foot (1') bottom. Maximum backslopes of ditches shall be four to one (4:1) on the roadway side and three to one (3:1) on the property side.
            (2)   Maximum ditch gradient without erosion protection shall be two percent (2%). The ditch shall be protected from erosion by means of sodding, ditch paving, ditch checks, storm sewers, or combinations thereof as deemed necessary.
            (3)   Minimum ditch gradient shall be one percent (1.0%). If this gradient cannot be maintained, storm sewers or underdrains shall be installed.
            (4)   Rigid perforated piping in a washed stone envelope and filter fabric shall be placed at the edge of the aggregate base course area at the side of the road at all low points and connected to an inlet, culvert, or ditch.
         i.   Curb And Gutter:
            (1)   Curb and gutter shall be type B6.12 for all streets in all nonresidential developments and subdivisions. Curbs in residential subdivisions shall be type M-3.12. A drain system shall be installed continuous with the curb with discharge to storm sewer manholes. The drain system shall consist of pipe, washed stone and filter fabric.
            (2)   All curb and gutter shall be reinforced with two (2) no. 4 reinforcing bars run continuously through its length, except at expansion joints.
            (3)   The outside edge of curbs and gutters in streets shall be parallel to street lines. Radii at intersections shall not be less than twenty five feet (25').
            (4)   Curbs and gutters are required in all subdivisions containing lots having an area of forty thousand (40,000) square feet or less.
            (5)   Subdivisions containing lots having an area greater than forty thousand (40,000) square feet may be required to install curb and gutter as directed by the village.
         j.   Storm Sewers: Whenever curbs and gutters are required, underground storm sewers shall be installed conforming to the IDOT standard specifications for road and bridge construction and as set forth in the manual of IDOT highway standards.
         k.   Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be located one foot (1') inside the right of way line, not more than twelve inches (12") nor less than three inches (3") above the centerline of the street, and shall be not less than four feet (4') in width and four inches (4") in thickness. Construction shall be in accordance with the IDOT standard specifications for road and bridge construction. Sidewalks shall be provided along all commercial developments and shall have a minimum width of five feet (5'). All sidewalks shall be provided with concrete disability ramps at all intersections and at pedestrianways in accordance with minimum federal guidelines and requirements for accessible design.
         l.   Signs And Pavement Markings: Signs, signposts, and pavement markings, as required, shall meet the minimum requirements for similar signs and posts as shown and set forth in the IDOT manual for uniform traffic control devices for streets and highways.
         m.   Minimum Standards: The specifications contained herein shall not prevent the developer from constructing a wider or better quality improvement.
   C.   Construction Standards:
      1.   Licensed Surveyor Or Engineer: The developer shall employ a licensed professional surveyor or engineer who shall be responsible for establishing proper lines and grades for construction of all required improvements.
      2.   Consultation With Village: Prior to the start of roadway construction, the developer shall consult with the village engineer for the purpose of inspecting drainage facilities, subgrade, base course, and such other plans involving road construction. No less than forty eight (48) hours' proper notice of such consultation shall be given by the developer to the village engineer.
      3.   Unsuitable Subgrade: Where the village engineer finds that unsuitable subgrade material is present, that material shall be removed and replaced with granular material deemed acceptable by the village engineer.
      4.   Placement Of Bituminous Surface Course: Placement of the bituminous surface course shall be done only when the following criteria are satisfied: The base and binder course installation has been approved and has been in place over at least one winter season.
      5.   Subgrade Preparation:
         a.   Subgrade material shall have a minimum Illinois bearing ratio (IBR) of 3.0 in all areas to be paved.
            (1)   The IBR of the subgrade shall be shown in the plans. If the subgrade is undercut and replaced with angular stone three inches (3") in diameter or larger, the depth of undercut shall be at least twelve inches (12"). In addition, a well graded aggregate shall be included with the larger aggregate to fill the voids.
            (2)   Undercutting shall be done carefully to avoid damage to shallow improvements. The village engineer shall carefully inspect shallow improvements for damage. The developer is responsible for any damage and shall effect the proper and timely repair of damaged improvements. The bond, letter of credit or cash may be drawn upon as provided in this title.
         b.   During preparation of the subgrade, moisture and density tests shall be performed by an independent soil testing service at maximum two hundred foot (200') intervals to confirm proper compaction. The density tests must be submitted for review, and a report of acceptable subgrade preparation must be submitted to the village engineer before proof rolling of the subgrade may take place.
         c.   Compacted subgrade (roadway and curb). Compact materials to achieve not less than ninety five percent (95%) standard laboratory density. Proof rolled using loaded (45,000 pounds) "six wheel" rubber tire vehicle supplied by developer. The tires shall be designed for highway use and shall be properly inflated. The load shall be uniformly placed in the dump body. Deflections of more than one-half inch (1/2") will be considered unsatisfactory. The developer shall rework the clay material in these areas, or replace it with a three inch (3") diameter crushed rock to a depth to be determined at the time of construction (at his option). Proof rolling tests shall be conducted in the presence of the village engineer. Any areas, which in the opinion of the village engineer show a failure to subgrade, shall be removed, replaced, and retested (proof roll test) until approved by the village engineer.
         d.   For compacted aggregate base course. The granular material shall be compacted to not less than ninety five percent (95%) of the standard laboratory density. Proof rolling tests shall be conducted in the presence of the village engineer after the aggregate base course has been prepared. Any areas, which in the opinion of the village engineer show a failure to subgrade, shall be removed, replaced, and retested (proof roll test) until approved by the village engineer.
         e.   If in the opinion of the village engineer, paved areas are observed which pose a significant threat of premature failure, extraction tests, as specified by the Illinois department of transportation, may be required.
         f.   At the direction of the village engineer, coring of selected areas may be required to confirm the specified thickness of the aggregate base, binder, and surface course. This coring shall be done in the presence of the village engineer.
         g.   Concrete curb and gutter:
            (1)   Concrete test cylinders: One set of three (3) cylinders every fifty (50) cubic yards.
            (2)   Slump test: One inch (1") to three inch (3").
            (3)   Air entrainment: Five percent (5%) to eight percent (8%).
            (4)   Concrete temperature: Sixty degrees (60°) to seventy five degrees Fahrenheit (75°F).
            (5)   Air temperature greater than thirty two degrees (32°).
            (6)   Ready-mix concrete will only be accepted for use up to one hour after recorded dispatch time.
         h.   String line aggregate base course and binder course between curbs in the presence of the village engineer to verify proper centerline elevations.
         i.   For binder course and surface course, nuclear density testing (93 percent modified proctor) shall be performed to establish rolling pattern.
         j.   There shall be a winter stabilization period for bituminous binder course. The binder course shall be subject to one winter period of traffic after placement before the construction of the final surface course. Prior to November, bituminous ramps shall be installed at raised manholes, vaults, and inlet casting to facilitate snow removal from the streets. Ramps shall be removed prior to construction of the surface course. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)