A.   Lot Grading:
      1.   All developments shall provide lot grading in conformance with the village building code and this title.
      2.   Grading of all lots within the village shall be accomplished in such a manner as to prevent ponding in excess of eighteen inches (18") in the event of a complete failure of the storm sewer system. Parking lots shall be graded such that no ponding in excess of eight inches (8") occurs in the event of a complete failure of the storm sewer.
      3.   Grading shall be completed on each lot such that overland water flow is directed away from all sides of the foundation. Unless otherwise approved by the village engineer, all grades on a lot shall be a minimum of two percent (2%) and a maximum of ten percent (10%). If steeper slopes are approved, sodding, retaining walls or other special treatments may be required to protect the slopes.
      4.   No grading shall be allowed within ten feet (10') of the exterior existing property line. Maximum berm or embankment slope shall be four horizontal to one vertical (4:1) (unless approved by the village engineer with appropriate stabilization measures), and shall not exceed a maximum height of six feet (6'). Maximum height restrictions also apply to total retaining wall height, and cumulative embankment, berm and retaining wall height. If retaining walls are to be utilized, the maximum height of each retaining wall shall be three feet (3'). If retaining walls are to be utilized in series, retaining walls shall be separated by a minimum eight foot (8') wide safety shelf. Berm and embankment heights over six feet (6') shall require the submission of cross sections drawn to scale indicating line of sight from adjoining properties, proposed structures in the vicinity of the embankment and proposed mitigating landscape features for village board approval.
      5.   Grading plans shall be submitted for all developments; except, that a single-family residence which results in a hydrologic disturbance of less than five hundred (500) square feet and which is deemed by the village to provide no impact to overland storm water flows, depressional storage, defined or potential wetlands or floodplains does not have to provide a grading plan. The grading plan shall indicate existing grades within a minimum of one hundred feet (100') of the development. Prior to final approval and acceptance of public improvements, an as built grading plan shall be submitted. In cases where individual lot grading is not completed at the time of final acceptance or where public improvements are not required, grading plans for the lots shall be submitted and approved prior to building permits being issued and the as built grading plans shall be submitted prior to occupancy permits being issued.
   B.   Erosion And Sedimentation Control:
      1.   All developments shall include a plan for soil erosion and sedimentation control. Soil erosion and sedimentation control shall be in conformance with this title, the Beach Park watershed development ordinance (chapter 15.32 of this code), and the NPDES storm water discharge permit.
      2.   Except as provided herein, no plat of subdivision or development plan shall be approved unless the plat or plan and accompanying materials indicate measures to be taken to control erosion and sedimentation will be adequate to assure that sediment is not transported from the site by a storm event of a ten (10) year frequency or less, and that the following principles shall be applicable to all development activities in the area to be subdivided:
         a.   Development plans shall consider the topography and soil of the site so as to create the least potential for erosion. Areas of steep slopes where high cuts and fills may be required shall be avoided wherever possible and natural contours shall be followed as closely as possible.
         b.   Natural vegetation shall be retained and protected wherever possible. Areas immediately adjacent to natural watercourses shall be left undisturbed wherever possible.
         c.   The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed for the shortest practical time during development.
         d.   Erosion control and sedimentation control measures shall be installed and maintained for any land undergoing development in accordance with the procedures and standards for urban soil erosion and sedimentation control in Illinois.
         e.   Provisions shall be made to accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development. Drainageways shall be designed so that their final gradients and the resultant velocities of discharges will not create additional erosion, and shall be protected against erosion and sedimentation during development.
         f.   Permanent vegetation and structures shall be installed as soon as practical during development.
      3.   The erosion and sedimentation control plan shall include the following information:
         a.   A vicinity map, in sufficient detail to enable easy location in the field of the site for which plat approval is sought. The vicinity map shall include the site boundary lines, site acreage, legend, and scale.
         b.   A plan of the site showing:
            (1)   The existing topography of the site and adjacent land within approximately one hundred feet (100') of the boundaries, drawn at no greater than two foot (2') contour intervals and clearly portraying the conformation and drainage pattern of the area.
            (2)   The location of existing buildings, structures, utilities, water bodies, floodplains, drainage facilities, vegetative cover, paved areas and other significant natural or manmade features on the site and adjacent land within approximately one hundred feet (100') of the boundary.
            (3)   A general description of the predominant soil types on the site, their location, and their limitations for the proposed use.
            (4)   The proposed use of the site, including present development and planned utilization; areas of excavation, grading and filling; proposed contours; finished grades and street profiles; provisions for storm drainage with a drainage area map and computations; and areas and acreages proposed to be paved, covered, sodded or seeded, stabilized with vegetation or left undisturbed.
         c.   An erosion and sedimentation control plan showing:
            (1)   All erosion and sedimentation control measures necessary to meet the objectives of this title throughout all phases of construction and to permanently provide for erosion and sedimentation control after completion of development of the site.
            (2)   Seeding mixtures and rates, types of sod, method of seedbed preparation, expected seeding dates, type and rate of lime and fertilizer application, and kind and quality of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures.
            (3)   Provisions for maintenance of control facilities, including easements.
            (4)   Identification of the person or entity that will have legal responsibility for maintenance of erosion control structures and measures after development is completed.
         d.   The proposed schedule for development of the site, including stripping and clearing, temporary and permanent sediment and erosion control measures, rough grading and construction, installation of storm drainage, paving streets and parking areas, and establishment of permanent vegetative cover.
         e.   These submissions shall be prepared in accordance with the standards and requirements contained in procedures and standards for urban soil erosion and sedimentation control in Illinois.
         f.   The village may waive specific requirements for the content of submissions upon finding that the information submitted is sufficient to show that the work will comply with the objectives and principles of this title.
   C.   Dust Control: The developer and its contractors shall use a water wagon or other acceptable means on the project site to control dust. All streets used by the developer and its contractors in or adjacent to the development shall be kept free of debris, dirt, dust and mud. Streets shall be left in a clean condition at the end of each day's work. If the village engineer determines that dust control measures are inadequate or that dust removal procedures are not maintaining the streets free of dust, the village engineer may issue a stop work order. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)