16.19.060: EASEMENTS:
   A.   Location And Width: Easements across lots or centered on rear or side lot lines shall be provided for utilities where necessary and shall be at least fifteen feet (15') wide for water or storm sewer, twenty feet (20') wide for sanitary sewer. The village engineer may require additional easement width to accommodate deeper utilities. Easement widths for more than one utility shall be as established by the village engineer.
   B.   Continuity: Easements shall be designed to provide continuity from block to block.
   C.   Telephone And Electrical Service: All utility distribution lines for telephone and electric service shall be installed underground within easements and dedicated public ways. All transformer boxes shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public.
   D.   Approval: All utility easements shall be approved by the public utility companies, cable television franchises, and village and shall be so indicated on the final plat.
   E.   Drainage Easements: Where a subdivision is traversed by an existing or proposed watercourse, drainageway, overland flow route, channel or stream, or other storm water management feature, there shall be provided a drainage easement conforming substantially with the line of such watercourse and shall include such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose and as determined by the village board. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith. Drainage easements shall also be provided along all side and rear lot lines. The village engineer shall establish the required minimum drainage easement widths. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)