16.19.040: LOTS:
   A.   Conformance With Zoning Regulations: Lot dimensions and areas shall conform to the requirements of the Beach Park zoning ordinance within the village limits or the comprehensive plan as to unincorporated territory. However:
      1.   Where unusual soil conditions or other physical factors exist which may impair the health and safety of the residents of the neighborhood in which a subdivision may be located, the village board may increase lot area requirements upon recommendation of the Lake County health department.
      2.   Lots abutting a watercourse, drainageway, channel, or stream shall have a minimum width or depth as required to provide an adequate building site and to afford the minimum usable area required in this title or the Beach Park zoning ordinance for front, rear, and side yards.
   B.   Corner Lots: Corner lots for residential use shall have extra width to permit appropriate building setback from and orientation to both streets on which they abut.
   C.   Frontage:
      1.   All lots shall abut on a publicly dedicated street unless otherwise approved by the village board.
      2.   Double frontage and reverse frontage lots should be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from highways or primary thoroughfares or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. A planting screen easement of at least ten feet (10'), and across which there shall be no right of access, shall be provided along the lines of lots abutting such highways and primary thoroughfares or other disadvantageous use. Lots abutting such highways, primary thoroughfares or other disadvantageous use shall have a width or depth ten feet (10') in excess of the typical interior lot in the same subdivision.
   D.   Lot Lines: Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
   E.   Driveway Location: Lots shall be arranged to provide for a minimum of driveway openings on collector streets. Driveway locations on corner lots shall be indicated on the final plat and the location shown shall appear as a covenant running with that lot.
   F.   Nonresidential Lots: Width, area, and depth of lots in a commercial or industrial subdivision shall be as recommended and approved by the village board. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)