A.   The following improvements shall be provided as part of the development of a proposed subdivision or development.
      1.   Street pavement structure improvements.
      2.   Portland cement concrete sidewalks.
      3.   Street or site lighting.
      4.   Landscaping and trees.
      5.   Street signs and pavement markings.
      6.   Traffic safety installations such as guard railing etc.
      7.   Public utilities for telephone, electric, cable television, and natural gas.
      8.   Site and lot grading.
      9.   Storm water drainage and sump pump drainage systems.
      10.   Storm water storage and management.
      11.   Erosion control.
      12.   Wastewater facilities and sanitary sewers.
      13.   Water facilities and water mains.
      14.   Flood protection.
   B.   All construction of improvements covered by this title and materials used shall be in accordance with appropriate sections of the latest editions of the following ordinances, standards, and publications. In the event of a conflict, the more stringent standards shall apply. Where standards are not specifically set forth, improvements shall comply with standards established by the village board.
      1.   All applicable village ordinances, standards, and specifications as adopted, including, but not limited to, the following: title 12, "Streets/Roads"; title 13, "Public Services"; title 15, "Buildings And Construction", of this code.
      2.   "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction", Illinois department of transportation (IDOT)".
      3.   "Standard Specifications For Water And Sewer Main Construction In Illinois", Illinois society of professional engineers, et al.
      4.   "Illinois Design Standards For Sewage Works", Illinois environmental protection agency (IEPA), division of water pollution control.
      5.   "Illinois Design Standards For Slow Rate Land Application Of Treated Wastewater", 35 Illinois administrative code, subtitle C, chapter 11, part 372.
      6.   "Technical Policy Statements", IEPA, division of public water supply.
      7.   "Recommended Standards For Water Works", Great Lakes upper Mississippi River board of state sanitary engineers (A10 state standards).
      8.   "Procedures And Standards For Urban Soil Erosion And Sedimentation Control In Illinois", urban committee of the association of Illinois soil and water conservation districts.
      9.   "Standard Specifications For Soil Erosion And Sediment Control", IEPA.
      10.   "U.S. Soil Conservation Service Field Engineering Handbook". (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)