The subdivision or development of land including the arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets, alleys, crosswalks, easements, sites for parks, playgrounds, and schools or other land to be dedicated for public use shall conform to the comprehensive plan, master utilities plans and official map of the village of Beach Park. Approval of the design of a proposed subdivision or development shall be considered on the basis of its relation to existing and platted streets, reasonable circulation of traffic within the subdivision and adjacent land, topographic conditions, runoff of storm water, public convenience and safety, and appropriate relation to the proposed land uses of the areas to be served. Before a subdivision or development shall be approved, the village engineer shall certify that the improvements described in the developer's plan and specifications, together with any other agreements, meet the minimum requirements of all ordinances of the village and that they comply with the regulations and standards as set forth in this title. No deviation from the approved plans and specifications shall be made without prior approval of the village.
   A.   Size And Shape:
      1.   The size and shape of the land to be subdivided or developed shall be sufficient and proper for land planning purposes and suitable in area and dimensions for the use intended.
      2.   The plans for the subdivision or development of the property should incorporate into, and be compatible with, the existing and potential uses of property adjacent to the area to be subdivided or developed.
   B.   Layout: The layout of the streets, lots, blocks, buildings, parking lots and public lands shall create a desirable environment for the intended users thereof, without exercising a detrimental influence or effect upon surrounding land uses.
   C.   Compatibility With Natural Features: The subdivision or development design shall be compatible with natural features as follows:
      1.   The design of every subdivision or development shall be compatible with the existing topography, drainage patterns, and other natural features on the site.
      2.   Every subdivision or development shall conserve isolated mature trees, wooded areas, watercourses, scenic views, ponds, floodplain areas, historical landmarks, and other features of the property, which, if preserved, would add to the attractiveness and value of the subdivision, neighborhood, or the village as a whole.
      3.   The design of every subdivision or development shall, wherever possible, create and integrate water features throughout residential land use areas.
      4.   The design of every subdivision or development shall make adequate provision for the use and maintenance of open space.
      5.   The design of every subdivision or development shall provide adequate acoustical and visual privacy for incompatible adjacent uses.
   D.   Name Of Subdivision Or Development: The proposed name of the subdivision or development shall not duplicate, or too closely approximate phonetically, the name of any other subdivision or development in the village or within its one and one-half (11/2) mile planning jurisdiction. The village board shall designate the name of the subdivision or development with the approval of the preliminary plat. (Ord. 2004-O-14 § 1)