A.   Compliance With Village Regulations: All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the village building code.
   B.   JULIE To Be Contacted: Prior to erecting a sign that will be attached to the ground, the applicant shall contact the joint utility location information excavators (JULIE).
   C.   Clearance From High Voltage Lines (Over 600 Volts): Signs shall be located in such a way that they maintain horizontal and vertical clearance of all conductors in accordance with the national electrical code. However, in no case shall a sign be installed closer than four feet (4') horizontally or vertically from any conductor of public utility wire.
   D.   Flagpoles: Flagpoles shall have minimum setback of seven feet (7') from all property lines plus an additional setback of one foot (1') for each additional one foot (1') that the pole height exceeds fifteen feet (15') in height. If the pole is over twenty feet (20') in height, structural information for the base or foundation shall be recorded with the building department. (Ord. 2015-O-21)