15.24.020: DEFINITIONS:
In this chapter, words in the singular shall include the plural and those in the plural shall include the singular.
BUILDING FRONTAGE: The linear length of a building facing the right of way.
COMPREHENSIVE SIGNAGE PLAN: A plan that indicates the dimensions, design, type, location, and other such pertinent information of all proposed and existing permanent signs for a common development.
FRONTAGE: The length of the property line of a parcel or lot parallel to and along each public street the parcel borders.
PERMIT, PERMANENT SIGN: "Permanent sign permit" means as provided for in this chapter.
PERMIT, TEMPORARY SIGN: "Temporary sign permit" means any sign permit issued for a limited period of time as provided in this chapter.
SIGN: Any identification, description, display, illustration, device or structure illuminated or nonilluminated, which is placed out of doors or in a building in view of the general public, a public right of way or private property under different ownership than the property on which the sign is located and which directs or attracts attention to a product, service, place, activity, person, institution, business or solicitation by means including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, colors, motion, illumination or noise emission.
SIGN, ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: "Address identification sign" means a sign containing the address and name of the occupant or business establishment as provided for in this chapter.
SIGN ALTERATION: Any change to a sign which would alter the size of its surface area, its height, foundation, a structural support member, or copy content.
SIGN AREA: The entire area within a single continuous rectangle enclosing the extreme limits of such sign where writing, representation, emblem or other display together with any material or color forming an integral part of the background may be placed; and in no case passing through or between any adjacent elements of same. However, such perimeter shall not include any structural or framing elements lying outside the limits of such sign and not forming an integral part of the display. Sign area shall be the same as the sign face.
SIGN, AWNING/SIGN, CANOPY: "Awning/canopy sign" means a sign painted or otherwise applied to the surface of an awning or a canopy.
SIGN, BANNER/BUNTING: "Banner/bunting sign" means a sign composed of lightweight material either enclosed or not enclosed in a rigid frame with no more than one sign face secured or mounted to a structure so as not to allow movement of the sign caused by wind and atmospheric actions.
SIGN, BILLBOARD: See definition of Sign, Off Premises Advertising.
SIGN, BUSINESS: "Business sign" means a sign which directs attention to a business or profession or to a commodity, service or entertainment that is sold, offered or manufactured upon the premises where such sign is located or to where it is affixed.
SIGN, CHANGEABLE COPY: "Changeable copy sign" means a sign that is structurally arranged so that removable letters or numbers may be changed manually.
SIGN, ELECTRIC: "Electric sign" means a sign containing electric wiring which has characters, letters, figures, designs, faces, backgrounds or outlines illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent lamps or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper.
SIGN, ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER: "Electronic message center sign" means an electronic sign which flashes or has visual graphics with or without motion or animation with a fixed or changing display/message composed of a series of lights that may be changed through electronic means. A time and/or temperature sign shall not be considered an electronic message center. Fuel price signs for an automobile service station that only display and change the numerical price value of fuel once daily shall be considered only an electric sign and not an electronic message center sign.
SIGN, FASCIA: "Fascia sign" means any sign attached flush to a building and no part of which extends more than twelve inches (12") from the building wall or parts thereof or is longer than the horizontal or vertical face of the building.
SIGN, FLAG/PENNANT: "Flag/pennant sign" means a sign of lightweight material affixed to a pole or similar structure with no more than two (2) sign faces that is kept aloft by wind and atmospheric actions.
SIGN, FLASHING: "Flashing sign" means any illuminated sign on which the artificial light is not maintained stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use. For the purpose of this chapter, any revolving illuminated sign shall be considered a flashing sign. Signs which designate time or temperature shall not be considered flashing signs.
SIGN, FREESTANDING/SIGN, GROUND: "Freestanding/ground sign" means a sign mounted on pylons, pipes, piers, posts, or other self- supporting structures not attached to a building.
SIGN HEIGHT: The vertical distance measured from grade to the top of a sign or support structure, whichever is greater.
SIGN, ILLUMINATED: "Illuminated sign" means any sign which has characters, letters, figures or outlines illuminated by electric lights, luminous tubes, or any other means of external illumination.
SIGN, INFLATABLE: "Inflatable sign" means any temporary sign made of flexible material or fabric that is made to take on a three- dimensional shape (to blow up like a balloon) when filled with a sufficient volume of air or gas.
SIGN, MARQUEE: "Marquee sign" means any sign which is part of or attached to a marquee.
SIGN, MOVING: "Moving sign" means any sign or part thereof which moves or gives the visual impression of any motion.
SIGN, NONCONFORMING: "Nonconforming sign" means any sign which is not allowed under the provisions of this code, but which, when first constructed, may have been legally allowed by the village.
SIGN, OFF PREMISES ADVERTISING: "Off premises advertising sign" means any sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment that is conducted, sold, offered or manufactured elsewhere than upon the premises where such sign is located or to which it is affixed. Such signs include billboard signs.
SIGN, OPEN: A window or wall sign that only indicates whether a particular business is open or closed to the public for business.
SIGN, PERMANENT: "Permanent sign" means a sign designed to be used for thirty (30) days or more. Permanent signs require a sign permit as set forth herein.
SIGN, POLITICAL: "Political sign" means a temporary sign depicting candidate or party, displayed prior to an election.
SIGN, PORTABLE: "Portable sign" means any sign that is not permanently affixed to a building or a conventional sign structure, designed to be moved from place to place. These signs primarily include, but are not limited to: signs that are placed upon the ground, such as "sandwich" signs; signs attached to wood or metal frames designed to be self-supporting and movable; and signs having mobility by virtue of wheels, whether wheels are attached or not when said sign is on display.
SIGN, PROJECTING: "Projecting sign" means any sign other than a wall sign suspended from or supported by a building or sign structure and projecting out therefrom.
SIGN, PUBLIC: "Public sign" means a sign of a noncommercial nature such as legal notices, identification, informational or direction signs erected or required by a governmental body or authorized for a public purpose by any law, ordinance or statute.
SIGN, PUBLIC SERVICE INFORMATION: "Public service information sign" means a sign which provides general public service information display, such as time, date, temperature, weather, or directional information to the traveling public, which are commonly used to augment business identification signs.
SIGN, REVOLVING: "Revolving sign" means a sign or any part thereof which revolves or rotates in any manner.
SIGN, ROOF: "Roof sign" means any sign erected, constructed or maintained upon or over a roof or top of a wall, wall tower or turret of any building with the principal support on the roof structure.
SIGN, SEASONAL: "Seasonal sign" means the same as a temporary sign; except, that it may be permitted for the customary duration of a season, such as holiday decorations, or other special events, but not more than ninety (90) days during any one hundred twenty (120) day period.
SIGN, TEMPORARY: "Temporary sign" means any sign or attention attracting device for use for an event that is to be in existence for less than thirty (30) days. Temporary signs require a temporary permit as approved herein.
SIGN WALKER: A temporary sign being held by, attached to, or in the form of a person or animal advertising for a business.
SIGN, WALL: "Wall sign" means any sign attached, applied to, posted or painted on the exterior wall of any building. Signs on awnings, marquees and canopies shall be considered to be wall signs under this definition and subject to the regulations therefor where applicable.
SIGN, WINDOW: "Window sign" means a sign located on, in or behind a window for the purpose of being seen from the outside of the premises.
SIGN, WINDOW IDENTIFICATION: "Window identification sign" means a window sign which is intended to identify a relatively permanent element of a business including, but not limited to, the name, logo, symbol or other identification for the business or type of business, products or services offered.
SIGN, WINDOW PROMOTIONAL: "Window promotional sign" means a window sign which is intended to direct attention to a special sale or offering of goods or services.
VARIATION: Relief from the provisions of this chapter, granted by the village board, after a hearing by the planning commission and zoning board of appeals. (Ord. 2015-O-21)