A.   No land use shall be changed and no structures thereon shall be occupied, in whole or in part, by persons or property until a certificate shall have been issued by the building inspector stating that the building or structure complies with all the building or health laws and ordinances of the village.
   B.   Occupancy shall not take place in any building or structure or any part thereof now or hereafter erected, constructed or altered without the permit described in subsection A of this section having been issued by the building inspector, and no permit shall be issued unless the subject property is in conformity with this chapter or amendments thereof hereafter duly enacted. Nothing in this section shall prevent the continuance of the present occupancy or use of any existing building or structure except as may be necessary for safety of life and property. No permit shall be issued to a person who has failed to pay any fine, penalty or debt owing to the Village (“Village Debt”). A person whose permit application is rejected based on a Village Debt may appeal the decision, which appeal must be in writing and filed with the Village Clerk within ten (10) days following the decision. The written appeal must include the basis for contesting the Village Debt and other information that will help the applicant’s case. Within the body of the written appeal, the Applicant may also request a hearing to contest the Village Debt. The Village Administrator will set a hearing date within ten (10) days of the receipt of the written request for hearing and will rule on any appeals that are timely filed. If a timely written appeal is not filed, the Village Debt will be considered final. (Ord 2019-O-24 § 22: Ord. 1989-O-23 § 1)