A. The International Fire Code 2018 Edition, as promulgated and published by the International Code Council, Inc. (International Fire Code) is hereby adopted by reference by the Village of Beach Park as modified pursuant to this chapter. At least one copy of the 2018 International Fire Code has been on file in the Office of the Village Clerk for a period of at least 30 days prior to the adoption of these provisions and remains on file in the Office of the Village Clerk and is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein.
B. International Fire Code on File: Complete printed copies of the International Fire Code, herein adopted, are available for public use and inspection at the Office of the Village Clerk.
C. Amendments to the International Fire Code: The International Fire Code, adopted by reference pursuant to this chapter, is amended as set forth in this section. Subsequent section numbers used in this section shall refer to the like numbered sections of the International Fire Code.
The following sections of the 2018 International Fire Code are hereby amended, revised and changed as follows:
101.1 Delete section and replace as follows:
101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Fire Code of the Village of Beach Park, hereafter referred to as this code.
103.1 Delete Section 103.1 and replace as follows:
103.1 Creation of Agency. The Community Development Department shall be charged with the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
103.2 Delete Section 103.2 and replace as follows:
103.2 Appointment. The Community Development Director shall be appointed as the fire code official.
103.3 Delete Section 103.3 and replace as follows:
103.3 Delegation of Authority. The authorities and responsibilities of the fire code official as described in Section 104 may be assigned to the appropriate personnel of the fire protection districts serving the Village of Beach Park. Agreements describing the delegation of authority may be amended from time to time by the district and the Village.
110.4 Delete section 110.4 and replace as follows:
110.4 Violation Penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the code official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $150 dollars (one hundred fifty) or more than $750 dollars (seven hundred fifty) or by imprisonment not exceeding 365 days or both fine and imprisonment; each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
112.4 Delete section 112.1-112.4 and replace as follows:
112.1 Stop Work Orders. See Section 15.01.120 of the Beach Park Municipal Code.
301.3 Add new section as follows:
301.3 Items Not Specifically Covered. Whenever or wherever a condition is found in any building, lot, or premises, that in the opinion of the fire official is not specifically covered by the provisions of this title, but that requires correction or removal for the protection of the occupants or the public, the fire official shall order such conditions be corrected or removed and the owner or occupant of such buildings, lots, or premises shall comply with such orders.
507.5.7 Add new section as follows:
507.5.7 Unauthorized Use. It shall be unlawful for any person to utilize any firefighting device such as a fire hydrant, drafting hydrant, dry hydrant, or other water supply appurtenances designed for fire suppression operations without the express permission of the fire or building official.
507.5.8 Add new section as follows:
507.5.8 Water Supply Usage Reimbursement. The per gallon cost of water resources utilized in the response to an incident may be attached to the penalties assessed if it is determined that a property owner or occupant is liable for a violation of the Municipal Code.
905.3.1 Amend the conditions (within 905.3.1 Height) to the following:
1. Two or more stories above or below grade plane.
2. The floor level of the highest story is located more than 20 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
3. The floor level of the lowest story is located more than 20 feet below the highest level of fire department vehicle access.
Chapter 80 Referenced Standards:
Delete ICC Electric Code and insert 2018 National Electric Code-NFPA 70
Delete International Plumbing Code and insert the Illinois State Plumbing Code
Delete the International Sewage Disposal Code and insert Illinois State Plumbing Code
(Ord. 2023-O-8; Ord. 2007-O-30)