A. The following listed codes are hereby adopted as the building and construction codes for the Village of Beach Park, Lake County, Illinois for the control of buildings and structures and other applicable activities and permit activities as herein provided and each and all regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said codes are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this chapter with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes as prescribed in this chapter, and including such amendments to the Illinois Accessibility Code, Plumbing Code, and Energy Conservation Code as may be adopted from time to time without additional action by the Village:
1. 2018 International Building Code
2. 2018 International Residential Code
3. 2018 International Mechanical Code
4. 2018 International Fuel Gas Code
5. 2018 International Fire Code
6. 2018 International Property Maintenance Code
7. 2018 International Solar Energy Provisions
8. 2018 International Existing Buildings Code
9. 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code
10. 2017 NFPA 70-National Electrical Code
11. 2018 NFPA 101-Life Safety Code
12. Illinois Accessibility Code
13. Illinois Plumbing Code
14. Illinois Energy Conservation Code (2018 International Energy Conservation Code with ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2016)
B. Exemptions: These regulations will not be construed to require alterations to lawfully constructed existing buildings or equipment, unless specific provision is made to the contrary or unless the provision is expressly made retroactive.
C. Building Official and or Code Official: The building official and or code official of the Village is the person responsible for implementing and enforcing this title. Any reference in this title to the building official, director or code official shall refer to and mean the Director of Community Development.
D. Matters Not Provided For: Any requirement essential for structural, fire, electrical, mechanical, or sanitary safety of an existing or proposed building or structure, or essential for the safety of the occupants thereof, and which is not specifically covered by this title or other codes and ordinances of the Village, will be determined by the building/code official based on the exercise of his or her best professional judgment in accordance with customary practice in the field.
E. Other Regulations: When these regulations are more restrictive than other codes, ordinances, or regulations of the Village, this title will apply and control. When the requirements of these codes are superseded by a standard requirement of the State of Illinois, the State requirement shall apply. In every case, the most rigid requirements of either this title or such other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations as may be in force or legally adopted will apply and control whenever they may be in conflict. (Ord. 2023-O-8; Ord. 2014-O-6: Ord. 2007-O-30)