A. Basic Sewer User Charge Determination: The basic user charge shall be determined by the amount of revenue funds required to operate and maintain the sewerage system and to provide a fund for the repair and/or replacement of component parts of said sewerage system for each fiscal year.
B. Charges Established: The sewer use charges shall be as follows:
1. Metered Water: For residential and commercial properties that are connected to the village sewer system and their water consumption is metered, the sewer use charge shall be as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended.
2. Nonmetered Water: For residential and commercial properties that are connected to the village sewer system and their water consumption is not metered, the sewer use charge shall be as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended.
3. Maintenance: A sewer maintenance fee as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended, will be charged to all properties which have not connected to village sewer, but which have an existing sewer main along one full side of their property and are allowed to connect by the controlling authority without requiring a sewer main extension.
C. Security Deposits: The owner(s) or tenant(s) at any billing address shall establish and maintain a security deposit account with the village to secure the payment of all charges and other user charges or user fees established in this chapter. The security deposit amount shall be as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended, and shall be made to and maintained with the village. The village shall hold the security deposit until the tenant(s) terminates the billing account at the service address. At such time the tenant's billing account is terminated, and all sewer and water charges are paid in full, the village will return the required deposit as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended.
D. Late Payment; Liability; Penalty Charge: If the amount payable by any owner of serviced premises, or consumer or user of the water system is not paid to and received by the village by the due date then the water consumption charge shall be increased by ten percent (10%). The owner of the premises, and the occupant thereof, and the user/consumer of the service shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for the water service provided to the premises, and such service is provided to the premises by the village only upon the condition that the owner of such premises, and the occupant, user and the consumer of such service are jointly and severally liable for rates, charges, penalties and interest therefor to the village. (Ord. 2015-O-19: Ord. 2015-O-5)