A. Application For Permit; Sanitary District Approval Required: Prior approval of the North Shore sanitary district, evidenced by a signed permit from the North Shore sanitary district or the county public works, whichever is applicable, must be obtained before an application for a building sewer permit is filed with the village. The owner or his agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the village. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the village.
B. Reason For Fees: For all connections to the village sewerage system, and except as limited or modified by special rules or regulations applicable to various properties, the applicable standard sewer connection and permit fees hereinafter provided for are to provide a reasonable contribution toward that proportionate part of the overall cost of installing, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing and expanding the village sewerage system. The special rules or regulations applicable to the various properties limiting or modifying the fees may include, but are not limited to, those pertaining to special service areas, other special connection fees, recapture fees, required extensions or special agreement.
C. Connection And Inspection Fees: Subject to such applicable exceptions and/or qualifications, the established connection and inspection fees are as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended:
1. The standard connection fee (sometimes referred to as a "permit fee") shall be paid to the village based upon the class of permit and volume of wastewater as more fully described in subsection D of this section.
2. The inspection fee shall be paid to the village and include up to two (2) inspections for one service connection. Additional inspections, if required, shall be subject to the inspection fee as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended.
D. Classes Of Permits: There shall be two (2) classes of building sewer permits: 1) for residential service; and 2) for service to commercial or industrial establishments. In either case, the owner or his agent shall make application on forms furnished by the village and by the North Shore sanitary district when the requested sanitary sewer service is within the North Shore sanitary district service area. The permit application shall be supplemented by plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the code enforcement official. Each industry, as a condition of permit authorization, must provide information describing its wastewater constituents, characteristics and type of activity.
E. Determination Of Connection Fees: Except for classes of properties exempted from the connection fees as hereafter described, for each sanitary sewer connection made to the village sewer system from a residential building, the standard connection fee charge hereunder shall be determined based on the type of residential unit as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended. Similarly, for each sanitary sewer connection made to the village sewer system from a commercial or industrial building, or other nonresidential structure, the basic connection charge hereunder shall be determined on a population equivalent (PE) basis of sewer use for each facility connected, using one hundred (100) gallons per PE per day as the criteria and based upon a charge per PE and as set forth in the sanitary sewer connection fee as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended.
F. Permit To Connect To Interceptor Or Trunk Line: In the event that it becomes necessary for a new user to connect directly to any county or North Shore sanitary district interceptor or trunk line located or constructed within the limits of the village, a permit shall be obtained from the North Shore sanitary district and an inspection fee, as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended, shall be payable to the village for each village inspection of the connection.
G. Exemption From Charges:
1. Where unsubdivided property becomes lawfully platted and subdivided in accordance with the planning, zoning and subdivision regulations of the village, and where pursuant to a lawful permit and agreement therefor, the developer of such subdivision installs sewer collection main pipes and tenders dedication of the sewer pipes to the village and the village accepts the dedication thereof, then the lots resulting from the platted subdivision shall be exempt from the standard connection and inspection charge of subsection C of this section, except the additional inspection fees noted in subsection C2 of this section shall be required.
2. Where the owner of real property, pursuant to proper permit therefor, extends the main sanitary sewer line to his far property line at his sole expense, the standard connection fee for the service connection for the real property shall be waived (but not the inspection fee) if and only if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The service connection to the main line is for one residential customer equivalent;
b. The plans and specifications for the main extension have been approved by the village;
c. The main extension has received all necessary and applicable federal, state and local permits and the work is performed according to the conditions of such permits, if there be any conditions;
d. The main line extension traverses the entire frontage of the property being served;
e. The main line extension is installed within the public right of way or public utility easement provided or dedicated and accepted for such purposes;
f. The ownership of the sanitary sewer main line pipe and its required facilities is properly conveyed to and accepted by the village; and
g. The property owner has executed the professional fee agreement to pay for any required outside services and all monies owed to the village for such professional fees have been paid in full.
3. Where the property is subject to a special connection fee or recapture fee and said fee is greater than the applicable standard connection fee and paid in full, the standard connection fee for the service connection for the real property shall be waived (but not the inspection fee).
4. In certain extenuating circumstances where by special agreement with the village, the property owner has agreed to a payment in lieu of construction for a main extension equivalent to that described in subsection G2 of this section and said payment amount is greater than the applicable standard connection fee and has been paid in full, the standard connection fee for the service connection for the real property shall be waived for a one year period from availability to connect (but not the permit and inspection fees).
H. James Creek Residential Subdivision:
1. James Creek Residential Subdivision which is within the territorial boundaries of the city of Waukegan, shall be allowed to connect to the sewer system owned by the village, upon payment of a connection fee;
2. The developer of James Creek Residential Subdivision shall pay a connection fee as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended, as a condition precedent to being allowed to connect to the sanitary sewer system owned by the village;
3. There shall be no more than twenty two (22) single-family residences on the James Creek Subdivision property served by the Beach Park sewer system.
I. Sewer System Improvement Fee: In addition to the fees and charges otherwise provided in this section a charge shall be made for sewer system improvements as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended. The sewer system improvement fee shall be due and payable for all new connections to the village sewer system.
J. No permit shall be issued to a person who has failed to pay any fine, penalty or debt owing to the Village (“Village Debt”). A person whose permit application is rejected based on a Village Debt may appeal the decision, which appeal must be in writing and filed with the Village Clerk within ten (10) days following the decision. The written appeal must include the basis for contesting the Village Debt and other information that will help the applicant’s case. Within the body of the written appeal, the Applicant may also request a hearing to contest the Village Debt. The Village Administrator will set a hearing date within ten (10) days of the receipt of the written request for hearing and will rule on any appeals that are timely filed. If a timely written appeal is not filed, the Village Debt will be considered final. (Ord. 2019-O-24 § 17: Ord. 2015-O-5)