13.04.170: WATER METERS:
   A.   Required: Water meters shall be, and are, required on all service pipes to all new buildings and on any new water services to existing buildings in the village. It is unlawful for any person, corporation, other entity or consumer of water to draw water from a service pipe without such service pipe being metered in accordance with the ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto. No private user or consumer of water shall be provided free service. Each residential, commercial, industrial or other identifiable use unit, whether contained in a single-unit or a multiple-unit structure, shall be metered so as to measure the amount of water drawn from the village system by each use unit. Individual water meters are not required for each residential unit within a manufactured housing community. Each metered service shall include an appropriate and approved shutoff valve or valves, curb stop or other service control device. The location of such control devices shall be approved by the village or at a location determined by the village. Operation of such service control devices shall be under the exclusive control of the village.
   B.   Village Owns All Meters: All required meters shall be owned by the village.
   C.   Installation Of Meters: Meters shall be installed at the applicant's cost by an Illinois licensed plumber in a location that will be readily accessible and in accordance with all of the following:
      1.   Applicable plumbing codes and regulations;
      2.   This chapter;
      3.   Manufacturer's instructions to the extent not inconsistent with applicable codes and regulations; and
      4.   Reasonable requirements of the village water superintendent.
   D.   Location Of Meter Installation And Backflow Prevention:
      1.   In residential districts, all meters shall be installed in the basement where a heated basement exists, located as close to the front wall of the building as possible, and the entire length of service from the point of entry into the structure to the meter shall always be exposed. At no time may water meters be installed in washrooms. Interior pipes may be wrapped to protect from condensation or freezing.
      2.   All meters shall be set plumb and level and secured to remain so. They must be placed in an accessible location free from all obstructions so that they can be easily read and serviced and shall be protected by the consumer from freezing or damage. Brass couplings or unions shall be installed on the inlet and outlet side of the meter. On compound or turbine type meters, flanged connection shall be made. An Apollo series 80 ball valve (or equivalent) must be installed within one foot (1') of the meter on both inlet and outlet. No lead or lead containing compounds shall be used in making meter or plumbing connections. Nonresidential, commercial, industrial and multi-family development meter installations shall conform to all other applicable codes and regulations.
      3.   Where a meter is installed on a water service pipe connected to a hot water boiler, steam boiler or other hot water apparatus, a check and relief valve shall be provided between such meter and boiler to protect the water meter from damage caused by back pressure from the steam or hot water. A Watts no. 7 backflow preventer or equivalent shall be installed at the outlet side of all meters. On all systems within each structure serviced by the village water supply, there shall be installed a thermal expansion absorber of adequate capacity specified as an Amtrol "Therm-X-Trol" ST series or equivalent.
      4.   In residential districts where there is no basement, the water meters must be placed in a pit to protect the meter from freezing and at an approved location, or the meter may be located inside the home or structure (in an accessible location so that it can be easily read and serviced). The specifications of such pits must be approved by the water superintendent prior to issuing a permit.
      5.   In business, industrial or multiple-family districts, the specifications and location of the meters and meter pits shall be approved by the superintendent of water and village engineer prior to installation.
      6.   a. No water meter shall be used by any consumer unless and until such meter is sealed by the superintendent of water or his designated agent.
         b.   After the meter is placed, only officers or employees of the village, properly authorized, shall be allowed to test, repair, remove, or in any manner interfere with the functioning of the meter.
         c.   If a meter seal is broken or damaged, the superintendent of water shall cause the broken seal to be replaced. The owner or occupant of the premises on which the meter is located will pay the village, at the time the broken meter seal is replaced, a service fee charge as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended.
         d.   Where repair is required through no fault of the owner, user or occupant of the premises, the village shall be responsible for repairs to the meters.
         e.   The owner of the premises served and the user of any meter shall be at all times jointly and severally responsible for any damage done to the meter as a result of any tampering, violence, or other unauthorized alteration or modification to the meter.
      7.   The water superintendent shall read or cause to be read every water meter used in the village at such times as are necessary that the bills may be sent out at the proper time. (Ord. 2014-O-36: Ord. 2000-O-18 § 1)