A.   All Hydrants Are Public Hydrants: All the hydrants now or hereafter installed in the village and owned by the village for the purpose of extinguishing fires are declared to be public hydrants, and no person other than the members of a fire department or others in the exercise of the authority so delegated by the village board shall open any of the hydrants or attempt to draw water from the same, or in any manner interfere with any of the said hydrants.
   B.   Unauthorized Use Of Village Tools/Equipment: No village employee or officer shall allow or permit any person not properly authorized by the village to take the wrenches or any other tools, equipment or apparatus from any village truck, vehicle, garage or other village building.
   C.   Private Use Of Hydrants: Persons requiring water or for temporary use for public or private work or improvement, including construction of any building before water is furnished as provided in this title, may be permitted to use the village water supply by making application therefor to the superintendent and by paying a permit fee as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended for the privilege of drawing water from the hydrants; and at the direction of the superintendent of water, a hydrant meter shall be installed and the rates for the rent thereof and for the use of water shall be as established by the water superintendent.
   D.   Application And Permit Required: No person shall take water from any fireplug, hydrant, valve, faucet, pipe or any other opening connected with the waterworks system, nor shall any person open any such fireplug, hydrant, valve or faucet for the purpose of taking water, or for any purpose, unless such person shall first have made application for the use of water for such purpose and have received a permit from the village or unless such person is an employee of the village and is acting in the discharge of his duties as such.
   E.   Conditions Of Permit Mandatory: No person to whom a permit is issued for the use of water for any purpose whatsoever, including construction purposes, tamping, irrigating, testing, flushing, domestic supply, etc., shall use or consent to the use of any water not authorized by said permit, or consent to the use of such water by any other person. Any person to whom such permit is issued shall at all times use precaution to prevent any waste of water or damage, and upon completion of the work for which use of water is authorized, or upon the expiration of the time specified in such permit, said person shall be required to close off all stopcocks and valves; provided, however, that if a permit has been issued for service from water service pipes controlled by such valves, they may be allowed to remain open.
   F.   Violation; Penalty: Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be fined pursuant to the general penalty provisions of this code. (Ord. 2015-O-4: Ord. 2014-O-36: Ord. 2000-O-18 § 1)