A.   Declaration Of Policy: It is to be the public policy of the village that the village shall research to find all feasible means reasonably available to it which can be employed to conserve and to manage the village share of the water resources available to it from the region in accordance with the reasonable modern, scientific knowledge and engineering practices.
   B.   Outside Use Restrictions: From May 15 and through September 15 of each calendar year, no person shall use water from the village water system for lawn sprinkling or use such water through a hose or pipe to water any garden, tree or shrub, between the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) noon and six o'clock (6:00) P.M., and then only on a day in which sprinkling is permitted.
   C.   Summer Watering System: Between May 15 and September 15 of each calendar year, the sprinkling and watering of lawns and other vegetation as described in subsection B of this section shall be permitted for properties with odd numbered postal addresses on odd numbered calendar days, and at properties with even numbered postal addresses on even numbered days.
   D.   New Lawns And Sod; Permit Requirements: Except for the conditions set forth in subsection D3 of this section, watering and sprinkling of lawns on an unregulated basis for a period not exceeding three (3) weeks shall be granted for new landscape, sod or seeded lawn installations, provided the following conditions are met:
      1.   That an unregulated watering permit be obtained by the person or firm wishing to water or sprinkle a new landscape, sod or seeded lawn installation on an unregulated basis.
      2.   That the applicant for such a permit shall state in his/her application the date of installation of the sod or seed, and the period to be covered by such permit.
      3.   That a permit fee as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended, shall be paid to the village by the applicant at the time of permit issuance to cover costs of permit administration.
   E.   Emergency Water Restrictions: In the event it is determined by the village president that, to the best of the information available to him, there exists water shortage or imminent risk of a water shortage, then the following emergency water use restrictions shall be in effect:
      1.   No person shall use any water from the village water supply for outside use including, but not limited to, those uses described in subsection B of this section; or
      2.   The washing of automobiles, except at commercial establishments where autos are washed with automatic or manual equipment and the water so used is recycled at the place of business; or
      3.   The filling or adding of water to a swimming pool.
   F.   Notice Of Emergency Water Restrictions: When a water shortage or imminent risk of water shortage has been declared or determined, as the case may be, the mayor shall notify the water users in the village of such determination by any one or more of the following means:
      1.   The prominent posting of such determination at the village hall and at least one other prominent location within the village.
      2.   Publication of such determination in a newspaper of general circulation within the village.
      3.   Mailing of notice of such determination to the users of the village water system.
      4.   Telephone notification methods such as reverse 911 or text messaging.
      5.   Website and/or current social media.
   G.   Violation; Penalty: Any person found to be in violation of this section shall be fined not less, nor more, than that as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended, for the first offense, and not less, nor more, than that as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended, for the second and any subsequent offenses. Each day that a violation exists shall be considered a separate offense. (Ord. 2015-O-4: Ord. 2014-O-36: Ord. 2000-O-18 § 1)