9.40.020: DEFINITIONS:
For purposes of this chapter, the following words shall be defined as follows:
CANVASSER: Any person interviewing, examining or obtaining information, or attempting to do so, from house to house, building to building, or upon any street, highway or sidewalk within the village.
PEDDLER: Any person selling or attempting to sell any goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs or services of any kind and nature, being carried or transported for immediate delivery or performance from house to house, building to building, or upon any street, highway, or sidewalk within the village.
REGISTERED SOLICITOR: Means and includes any person who applied hereunder and obtained a valid certificate of registration, as hereinafter provided, which certificate is in the possession of the solicitor, peddler or canvasser while engaged in peddling, soliciting or canvassing.
RESIDENCE: Means and includes every separate living unit occupied for residential purposes, by one or more persons, contained within any type of building or structure located in the village.
SOLICITOR: Any person soliciting or attempting to solicit or taking orders, from house to house, building to building, or upon any street, highway or sidewalk within the village of Beach Park, for any goods, wares or merchandise, foodstuffs, services, or insurance of any type or description, subscriptions to books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers or any other kind or type of publication, or other sale of property or services, or seeking to obtain gifts or contributions of money, clothing, or any other valuable thing for the support or benefit of any charitable or nonprofit association, organization, corporation, or project.
TRANSIENT MERCHANT: Any person who is engaged temporarily in the retail sale of goods, wares, or merchandise in this state and who, for the purpose of conducting such business, occupies any building, room, vehicle, structure of any kind, or vacant lot. However, this chapter does not apply to any person selling goods, wares or merchandise which are raised, produced or manufactured by him, to any person selling vegetables, fruit or perishable farm products at an established village market, to any person operating a store or refreshment stand at a resort, to any person operating a stand or booth on or adjacent to property owned by him or upon which he resides, or to any person operating a stand or booth at a state or county fair. This chapter does not apply to any person holding a valid license, issued by a county or municipality, to engage in retail sales. (Ord. 2013-O-12: Ord. 1994-O-26 § 1)