A.   No landscape waste shall be stored on the property from which it is generated for more than seven (7) days unless composted as provided in this chapter.
   B.   All landscape waste to be composted shall be kept in a compost bin or turning bin either of commercial or home construction. Tree, bush or shrub branches in excess of one-half inch (1/2") in diameter shall not be permitted in a compost bin or turning bin.
   C.   Only one compost bin or turning bin shall be permitted on each property whether it consists of one or more legally described lots contiguous to each other or a parcel legally described by metes and bounds.
   D.   Compost bins shall not exceed five feet in width, five feet in height and five feet in length (5' x 5' x 5') and shall be constructed of permanent materials, such as wood, brick, block, plastic and wire or consist of a wooden or steel barrel or drum.
   E.   Turning bins shall not exceed three feet in width, three feet in height and nine feet in length (3' x 3' x 9').
   F.   Compost bins and turning bins shall not be located on the front yard. Compost bins and turning bins shall not be located closer than three feet (3') to either the side lot line or the rear lot line. On corner lots, compost bins and turning bins shall not be located on the side yard abutting a street.
   G.   Compost bins and turning bins shall not be located in a drainage easement or drainageway and no drainageway shall be blocked or impeded in any way by landscape waste or compost.
   H.   Compost bins and turning bins shall be maintained in good condition and not become unsightly, allowed to emit foul odors or otherwise be offensive to the neighboring property owners or the public.
   I.   Compost bins and turning bins shall not be located in a utility easement or other easement.
   J.   No food wastes, pet or animal feces, bones, fats, oils, fish or other animal products shall be permitted in compost bins or turning bins.
   K.   Notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, grass clippings may be left on the lawn when cut. (Ord. 1990-O-1 § 1)