A.   The village of Beach Park and the board of health may enter into contracts with veterinarians or attorneys to effectuate this chapter. These contracts shall define the health department's role with the village of Beach Park and assign a fee to the village of Beach Park for the services provided by the health department.
   B.   The health department may also enter into agreements with the village of Beach Park for the purpose of sharing registration fees for those who provide comprehensive animal control services (stray control, impoundment and education) as defined in the Illinois animal control act.
   C.   The animal owner is responsible to pay the village of Beach Park for all costs associated with any site visits by Lake County animal control (health department) or the village of Beach Park. These site visits are conducted at the request of Beach Park in response to a village resident/caller notifying the village of a potential animal related violation/problem situation. The fees for each of the below listed items or services shall be as provided in the fee schedule of the village, as amended:
      1.   Service site visit.
      2.   Service site visit after hours if not deemed an emergency.
      3.   Daily boarding of dog or livestock.
      4.   Daily boarding of a cat.
      5.   Transportation to Lake County health department by warden during business hours.
      6.   Disposal of wild animal brought to Lake County health department.
      7.   Transportation to humane shelter for municipality.
      8.   Removal of animal through court order eviction.
      9.   Transportation to LCHD by warden after business hours.
      10.   Disposal of wild animal apprehended in municipality.
      11.   Euthanasia of dog one to fifty (50) pounds.
      12.   Euthanasia of dog over fifty (50) pounds.
      13.   Transportation of livestock (per animal).
      14.   Site visit to municipality without owner contacting the village.
   D.   Failure to pay all fees in the specified amount of time will result in a lien being placed upon the property of the animal owner for the amount of all services rendered including lien filing fees. (Ord. 2014-O-36: Ord. 2007-O-84 § 2)