Every pawnbroker under this chapter shall keep all property purchased or received available for inspection on the licensed premises for a period of ten (10) days from the date of purchase or receipt. The pawnbroker shall hold such property on the licensed premises for such ten (10) day period in such a manner as to be identifiable and separate from property obtained in other transactions. The pawnbroker shall not alter such property purchased or received in any manner during the ten (10) day waiting period. Such ten (10) day waiting period shall not apply to any new property purchased by the pawnbroker from manufacturers, other retailers or wholesale dealers having an established place of business, or of any goods purchased at open sale, or from a bankruptcy estate. Such ten (10) day waiting period shall also not apply to property purchased or received by the pawnbroker in a pawn transaction which has been redeemed by the customer who originally pawned such property within such ten (10) day period. (Ord. 2012-O-06)