The liquor commissioner may revoke or suspend any video gaming terminal permit sticker issued by the village if the liquor commissioner determines that the licensed establishment has violated any of the provisions of this chapter, any other provision of this code, or any other applicable state or federal statute or applicable regulation. No video gaming terminal permit shall be revoked or suspended, except after a public hearing before the liquor commissioner, with a three (3) day written notice to the licensed establishment, served upon the liquor licensee or the licensee's manager of the licensed premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any licensed establishment which has its liquor license forfeited, revoked, or suspended by the village or by the Illinois state liquor commission, or has its state video gaming license revoked or suspended by the Illinois gaming board, shall forthwith, without a hearing before the liquor commissioner, have all of its village video gaming terminal permit stickers revoked or suspended for the duration for which its liquor and/or Illinois gaming board gaming license is suspended, as the case may be. (Ord. 2014-O-05)