It shall be unlawful for a licensed establishment to operate any video gaming terminal, unless the licensed establishment obtains and maintains a valid video gaming terminal permit sticker from the village for each video gaming terminal to be operated on the licensed premises. The burden is upon each applicant to demonstrate its suitability and qualifications for the permit sticker. All video gaming terminal stickers issued hereunder shall expire on June 30 after date of issue. A video gaming terminal sticker shall be purely a personal privilege, good for a time period not to exceed the sooner to occur of one year after issuance or June 30 following the date of issuance, unless sooner revoked as provided by law, and shall not constitute property, nor shall it be subject to attachment, garnishment, or execution, nor shall it be alienable or transferable, voluntarily or involuntarily, or subject to being encumbered by any interest other than the interest of the applicant. No license shall be issued to a person who has failed to pay any fine, penalty or debt owing to the Village (“Village Debt”). A person whose license application is rejected based on a Village Debt may appeal the decision, which appeal must be in writing and filed with the Village Clerk within ten (10) days following the decision. The written appeal must include the basis for contesting the Village Debt and other information that will help the applicant’s case. Within the body of the written appeal, the Applicant may also request a hearing to contest the Village Debt. The Village Administrator will set a hearing date within ten (10) days of the receipt of the written request for hearing and will rule on any appeals that are timely filed. If a timely written appeal is not filed, the Village Debt will be considered final. (Ord. 2019-O-24 § 5: Ord. 2014-O-05)