A.   Display: Any person, firm, partnership, club, association or corporation which displays any coin in the slot operated amusement device to be played or operated by the public in the village shall obtain a license from the village.
   B.   Distribution: Any person, firm, operator, partnership, club, association or corporation engaged in the business of distributing or leasing coin in the slot operated amusement devices to be played or operated by the public in the village shall, before entering any lease, retail agreement, distribution agreement or contract with the owner or lessees of any premises, obtain a license from the village for the purpose of engaging in the business of distributing, leasing, or renting any such devices.
   C.   Ownership And Display: Any person, firm, operator, partnership, club, association or corporation owning coin in the slot operated amusement devices and also displaying these devices to be played or operated by the public within the village shall obtain a license for the purpose of so displaying such devices for use or operation by the public. (Ord. 1989-O-14 § 1)