A.   Residential Districts:
      1.   Placement: Communications towers shall be situated in the rear yard or side yard without encroaching on the front yard area.
      2.   Setbacks:
         a.   Minimum setback from any lot line shall be ten feet (10').
         b.   If a tower and antenna are not rigidly attached to a building, then minimum setback shall be equal to the height of the tower and antenna. However, if a tower and antenna are rigidly attached to a building and the tower's base is on the ground, the minimum setback may be equal to the distance from the highest point of attachment to the top of the tower and antenna.
      3.   Tower Height:
         a.   The maximum height shall be one hundred fifty feet (150').
         b.   No tower height shall exceed the distance from the base of the antenna and tower to the nearest overhead electrical power line less five feet (5').
         c.   Number: There shall be no more than one communication tower per premises.
   B.   Business And Industrial Districts:
      1.   Placement:
         a.   Business Districts: Towers erected in business districts as permitted accessory structures shall comply with standards set forth for residential district towers. Towers erected in business districts as conditional use structures shall be situated in rear and side yards, without encroachment into front yard areas, and shall comply with standards set forth for industrial district towers as accessory structures.
         b.   Industrial Districts: Tower placement may be at any location on the lot that complies with setback standards for business and industrial districts.
      2.   Setbacks:
         a.   Towers shall meet the principal structure setbacks of the underlying zoning district with the exception of industrial zoning districts, where towers may encroach into the rear and side setback area without encroaching into the front setback areas; provided, that rear property line abuts another nonresidentially zoned property. This standard shall also apply when adjacent to residentially or publicly zoned land, that due to topography, presence of wetlands or similar limitations, the land will not be actively developed for residential or public use. Setbacks equal to the height of the tower shall be established on sites that are adjacent to parcels developed or able to be developed for residential use.
         b.   The tower shall not encroach upon any easements.
         c.   The minimum distance to the nearest residential property shall be equal to the height of the tower.
         d.   Towers shall be set back from public rights of way and from planned public rights of way shown in the comprehensive plan of the city by a minimum distance equal to one-half (1/2) of the height of the tower including all antennas and attachments. Towers located in commercial and industrial zoned areas shall be setback six hundred feet (600') from the Highway 371 right of way as existing and proposed.
         e.   Towers shall not be located between a principal structure and a public street, with the following exceptions:
            (1)   In industrial zoning districts, towers may be placed within a side yard abutting an internal industrial street.
            (2)   On sites adjacent to public streets on all sides, towers may be placed within a side yard abutting a local street.
         f.   Setback shall be measured between the base of the tower located nearest the property line and actual property line.
         g.   A tower's setback may be reduced or its location in relation to a public street varied, at the sole discretion of the city council, to allow the integration of a tower into an existing or proposed structure such as a church steeple, light standard, power line support device, or similar structure.
      3.   Tower Height:
         a.   Maximum tower height shall be three hundred fifty feet (350') in industrial zoned areas and one hundred fifty feet (150') in commercial/office zoned areas.
         b.   No tower height shall exceed the distance from the base of the antenna and tower to the nearest overhead electrical power line less five feet (5'). (Ord. 73, 11-18-1997)