Pursuant to M.S. § 15.054, as it may be amended from time to time, no officer or employee of the city shall sell or procure for sale or possess or control for sale to any other officer or employee of the city, any property or materials owned by the city except pursuant to conditions provided in this section. Property or materials owned by the city and not needed for public purposes, may be sold to an employee of the city after reasonable public notice at a public auction or by sealed response, if the employee is not directly involved in the auction or process pertaining to the administration and collection of sealed responses. Prior to such auction or collection of sealed responses, public notice of at least one week’s published notice must be provided. An employee of the city may purchase no more than one motor vehicle from the city at any one auction. This section shall not apply to the sale of property or materials acquired or produced by the city for sale to the general public in the ordinary course of business. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an employee of the city from selling or possessing for sale public property if the sale or possession for sale is in the ordinary course of business or normal course of the employee’s duties.