(A)   The Clerk/Treasurer shall compute the amount due to the city from each customer for city water and sewer service and for any other municipal utility charges. The Clerk/Treasurer shall mail to the customer a statement of the charges as soon as practicable after the end of each period of service. The Clerk/Treasurer shall establish such monthly or other service periods for a customer, as the Clerk/Treasurer deems best. The Clerk/Treasurer shall establish and shall specify in the statement a due date, to be uniform as to time allowed for payments for all customers and to be not less than 15 days after mailing of the statement, upon which all charges then due for municipal utility services are to be paid.
   (B)   Amounts owed for municipal utility services shall be due and payable to the Clerk/Treasurer on the due date specified in the statement and shall be paid on or before that date.
(Prior Code, § 50.15) Penalty, see § 50.999