A manufactured home which meets the width requirements of a single-family dwelling established in § 156.030 may be located outside a manufactured home park in the residential district (R) of the city if the home is placed upon a permanent foundation which hides any wheels or undercarriage otherwise visible (use of skirting will not be allowed) and the home shall be subject to the lot size, setback, yard requirements, and any square footage requirements for a single-family dwelling. PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS means the home cannot be removed and placed somewhere else and affixes the home to the property permanently. PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS must meet the requirements for a home to be seen as “real property.” A person wishing to locate a manufactured home outside a manufactured home park must obtain a permit as provided by § 156.071.
(Ord. passed 6-9-2020; Ord. passed 4-13-2021; Ord. passed 7-13-2021; Ord. passed 8-16-2022; Ord. passed 10-11-2022) Penalty, see § 156.999