(A)   Disqualification. If the private or personal interest of a member is involved in any business before the Planning Commission, the member shall not take part in action on the business. If the member attempts to take part, the member may be disqualified from doing so by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Removal from office. Any member, for just cause and upon written charges, may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the entire City Council. The member shall be entitled to a public hearing before a decision is made by the City Council. Any member may be removed without action of the City Council for nonattendance at Commission meetings, according to rules adopted by the Commission.
   (C)   Vacancies. The Chairperson of the Planning Commission shall notify the City Council promptly of any vacancy occurring or about to occur upon the Planning Commission. The City Council shall fill any vacancy for the unexpired portion of the original term of the appointment.
(Prior Code, § 32.047)