§ 32.002 MEMBERS.
   (A)   Appointment. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven members. Two members shall be appointed by the City Council from its own membership. Five members shall be appointed from among persons in a position to represent the general public interest. No person shall be appointed with private or personal interests likely to conflict with the general public interest.
   (B)   Membership. Members appointed by the City Council from the City Council shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council, and their membership shall terminate upon termination of their membership upon the City Council. Terms of office for the other members shall be for three years, or until the member’s successor is appointed and qualified.
   (C)   Terms of office. Of the members who are first appointed and are not from the City Council, one shall be appointed for a term expiring at the end of the next succeeding January, two for a term expiring one year after the end of the next succeeding January, and two for a term expiring two years after the end of the next succeeding January. Thereafter, at its first regular meeting of each calendar year, the City Council shall appoint any public members for any term which will then expire.
   (D)   Compensation. Members of the Planning Commission may receive compensation in an amount set by City Council ordinance for service upon the Planning Commission. They shall be allowed necessary travel and other expenses while on official business of the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 32.046)