A.   Site Criteria; Planting Of Trees:
      1.   Visibility.
      2.   Utility location.
      3.   Probability of long term survival.
      4.   Likelihood of private participation and financing.
      5.   Overall benefit to the community.
   B.   Development:
      1.   City Projects: The development or redevelopment of a site owned by the city shall be subject to the planting standards of this article. City projects include, but are not limited to: parks, streets, medians, substations, treatment plants, plazas, and city buildings. These projects shall allow for the appropriate amount of street tree plantings. All street tree aspects of the plan shall be approved by the public works department.
      2.   Private Projects: Parkways or public thoroughfares within areas that are developed or redeveloped by a privately funded individual, partnership or entity shall be planted with the appropriate amount and composition of street trees. The street tree plantings will be the financial responsibility of the individual, partnership or entity responsible for the project. The street trees shall be planted in the city owned parkways according to the standards of this article. Special consideration should be given to plant lists, location and spacing and planting standards. All street tree aspects of development or redevelopment plans shall be approved by the public works department.
   C.   Location And Spacing:
      1.   Parkway Width: The minimum width of a parkway shall not be less than four feet (4') between sidewalk and curb. Where the width is less than four feet (4'), the tree shall be planted beyond the sidewalk toward private property, if the city has right of way.
      2.   Visibility Triangle: No tree shall be planted on the parkway or in any public thoroughfare at a distance less than that specified by the visibility triangle formula or thirty five feet (35'), whichever distance is determined appropriate by the city engineer, from the point of intersection of any given street lines within the city.
      3.   Driveways; Alleys: Trees shall be planted at least ten feet (10') (or less with written approval from the public works department) from driveways and alleys.
      4.   Utility Poles, Lampposts, Etc.: Medium to large trees shall not be planted closer than fifteen feet (15') from all utility poles, to allow for line maintenance, and lampposts, for proper lighting. Small trees shall not be planted closer than ten feet (10') from any utility poles or lampposts. All trees shall be planted a minimum of ten feet (10') from all fire hydrants. Any trees planted near water lines, sewer lines and utility manholes require written approval of the public works department.
      5.   Road Signs: Trees planted near any road sign shall be placed in a manner not to obstruct the visibility of any part of the sign at time of planting or in the future. In the event that a sign will be moved to accommodate a tree, the sign shall be moved before the time of planting.
      6.   Structures: No tree shall be planted within fifteen feet (15') of any building or permanent structure except with approval of the public works department.
      7.   Overhead Wires: When overhead wires are present above planting strips only small trees shall be planted. Exceptions may be made by the public works department if the wires overhead are either transmission or main distribution lines that are at a height that will allow the planting of a medium sized tree.
      8.   Spacing Of Trees:
         a.   Spacing of trees shall be determined by the public works department according to the local conditions and characteristics of the tree to be planted. General specifications are as follows:
Tree Size
Center To Center Span
Large tree
40 feet
Medium tree
30 feet
Small tree
20 feet
         b.   On streets that are unpaved, have no sidewalks or are without curbs, the spacing and location of the planting sites will be determined by the public works department.
   D.   Tree Standards:
      1.   No tree pit will be dug unless the location is marked by the public works department or appropriate city official.
      2.   Pits for the planting of street trees shall be two (2) to three (3) times the width of the root ball. The sides should slope gradually. The pit should be saucer shaped or bowl shaped. The center of the hole should be firm to help stabilize the tree. The tree should be planted slightly higher than it was originally grown to allow for settlement. In poorly drained soil, the root should be elevated in relation to the surrounding grade.
      3.   In soils that have a high clay content the soils should be amended with twenty five percent (25%) organic matter. If stones or construction debris are found they shall be removed and additional soil added.
      4.   Around the base of all newly planted trees a small berm of soil slightly larger than the root ball shall be constructed. Mulch (wood chips) should also be added within the berm. The mulch should be two (2) to four inches (4") deep and shall not be against the base of the tree. Mulch rings around trees shall be a minimum of four feet (4') across. Too much mulch or volcano mulching is harmful to the health of the tree and shall be a violation of this code.
      5.   Any nonbiodegradable wire, string or other material supporting the root ball shall be removed, taking special note of the twine wrapped around the base of the tree, and burlap laid back from the tree trunk before backfilling.
      6.   Backfilling shall be done in a way to minimize air pockets. (Ord. 08-11, 8-4-2008)