A.   Streets Or Rights-Of-Way: It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, create or maintain any obstruction on any street, alley, sidewalk or other public right-of-way except as may be specifically authorized by the City Council or as otherwise herein permitted. The Chief of Police may authorize the closure of public streets and/or alleys and to allow usage of public rights-of-way in connection with those community events, such as festivals, parades, and farmers' markets approved annually or otherwise by the City Council, conditioned upon compliance by the event organizers with rules and regulations set by the City from time to time relating to safety, impact upon the area proposed to be closed, traffic control, barricades and other factors. The Chief of Police or designee may also authorize the temporary closure of a public street for neighborhood block parties. This excludes the authority to apply for permission to utilize State and County roads. The Superintendent of Streets or designee may authorize the temporary closure of a public street and/or alley for maintenance purposes.
   B.   Drains: It shall be unlawful to obstruct any drain in any public street or alley.
   C.   Encroachments: It shall be unlawful to construct any building or structure which encroaches upon any public street or property. Hedges, shrubs or other plantings on private property that encroach into the right-of-way that interfere with the use of the public right-of-way and/or public sidewalks are prohibited.
   D.   Placement Of Mailboxes; Use Of City Right-Of-Way:
      1.   The placement and use of rural-type, freestanding, individual mailboxes at the curb on the City right-of-way in front of each residence is permitted and recommended.
      2.   Within a cul-de-sac, said mailboxes may be grouped at the curb, as determined by the residents therein.
      3.   Wherever these mailboxes are used in the City, the standards for placement of said mailboxes are as follows: the face of the mailbox shall not be more than six inches (6") from the back edge of the curb and the bottom of the mailbox shall not be more than forty inches (40") above the gutter. Residents shall be responsible for placing, replacing and repairing of said mailboxes. The City will not replace or repair any damaged mailbox which is not installed to the aforesaid specifications. The City will replace or repair any properly installed mailbox and/or post damaged by the City, but said cost will in no event exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
      4.   The placement of "cluster boxes" for delivery within the City right-of-way is not permitted in single-family residential zoned areas.
   E.   Placement Of Basketball Backboards In The City Right-Of- Way: Placement and use of basketball backboards in the City right-of-way shall be allowed under the following conditions:
      1.   Basketball backboards shall only be located in cul-de-sacs, dead-end streets, temporary turn-arounds, and only in those portions thereof which the Superintendent of Streets determines has adequate site distance for traffic and those using the backboards.
      2.   Only single pole supports shall be allowed, and shall be marked with reflective tape as determined by the Department of Public Works.
      3.   The backboard may not project beyond the front edge of the curb or beyond the edge of turf or ground area on right-of- ways with no curbs.
      4.   The installation of such a structure shall be by permit only, and shall further only be allowed if the Superintendent of Streets determines that placement of same shall not interfere with City utilities.
      5.   Any permit issued to allow said structure may be revoked upon twenty one (21) days' written notice from the City, in the event the City determines that such removal is necessary for safety reasons, for failure to reasonably maintain the structure, or due to other City use of the right-of-way, and further contain a provision by which the owner of said structure waives any claim against the City related to same. (Ord. 18-50, 8-6-2018)