(A)   Established.
      (1)   Rates shall be charged by the village for the service rendered by its sanitary sewerage system and sewage disposal plant to its residents and other users thereof, based upon the amount of water used as shown by the water meter and to be billed to and paid by the users contemporaneously with water bills, the payment of one bill not to be accepted without payment of both:
         (a)   The rate for rental and for all water consumed over 100 cubic feet per monthly billing period; and
         (b)   Public buildings and schools may have special rates established by the Village Administrator, which rates shall be fair and equitable but which need not be the same as those established for domestic or individual users.
      (2)   The charges are minimum charges not maximum charges and the village reserves the right and is obligated to increase the same at any time should the revenues of the system prove insufficient to pay the operating and maintenance expenses and the debt charges as may be established by the village. It is covenanted that the rates herein established will not be decreased until such bonds have been paid in full or provision made therefor.
   (B)   Connections and charge if public sewer available.  All buildings, including both commercial and residential properties, which have the services of the sewerage system available thereto by means of main or lateral sewers, shall, as soon as practicable, make the necessary connections with the system, and all outside toilets are hereby declared to be unsanitary and dangerous to public health and therefore a nuisance. Until connections are made, each property within the village served by the system shall pay the minimum monthly charge per month.
   (C)   Liability for services.  The owner of private property which is served by the sewerage system by pipes connected with the system to convey sewerage, as well as the lessee of the premises, shall be liable to the village for all services of the system rendered to the premises.
   (D)   Regulations and rates.  The regulations and rates, copies of which are on file in the village office, is adopted and incorporated as part of this code of ordinances as fully as if set out at length herein.
(1997 Code, § 52.06)  (Ord. 347, passed 7-6-1954; Ord. 355, passed 3-1-1955; Ord. 610-78, passed 7-10-1978; Ord. 788-89, passed 5-24-1989; Ord. 893-95, passed 6-26-1995; Ord. 947-98, passed 11-9-1998; Ord. 957-99, passed 6-14-1999; Ord. 1204-11, passed 3-7-2011; Ord. 1239-12, passed 3-5-2012; Ord. 1281-13, passed 10-7-2013)
   Rates established, see § 53.01