(A)   Before the issuance of any taxicab license, the applicant shall present to the Fiscal Officer a satisfactory certificate of mechanical fitness for the vehicle desired to be licensed, which certificate shall be certified by the mechanic making the inspection. The inspection shall be made and a certificate issued and presented every six months thereafter.
   (B)   The person making such inspection shall not be the owner or an employee of the applicant or licensee and the inspection shall include the following:
      (1)   Foot brake;
      (2)   Emergency brake;
      (3)   Headlights, both beams;
      (4)   Parking lights;
      (5)   Stop and tail lights;
      (6)   Horn;
      (7)   Steering mechanism;
      (8)   Windshield wipers;
      (9)   Rear vision mirror;
      (10)   Tires; and
      (11)   Visibility.
   (C)   The inspection certificate shall show the dates of inspection and expiration, and shall be filed with the Fiscal Officer.
(1997 Code, § 114.16)  (Ord. 308, passed 4-5-1949)