(A)   Requirement for filing. Every person who anticipates any taxable income which is not subject to § 35.18, or engages in any business, profession, enterprise or activity, shall file a declaration setting forth such estimated income or the estimated profit or loss from such business activity, together with the estimated tax due thereon, if any.
   (B)   Dates for filing.
      (1)   Such declaration shall be filed on or before April 30 of each year, beginning with the year 1975 during the life of this chapter, or within four months of the date the taxpayer first becomes subject to the provisions of this section.
      (2)   Those taxpayers reporting on a fiscal year basis shall file a declaration within four months after the start of each fiscal year or period.
   (C)   Credit for tax withheld or paid another community.
      (1)   Such declaration shall be filed upon a form furnished by or obtainable from the Tax Commissioner.
      (2)   Beginning with the year 1975, a declaration of estimated tax to be paid the municipality shall be accompanied by a payment of at least one-fourth of the estimated tax, less credit for taxes withheld or paid to another municipality, and at least a similar amount shall be paid on or before the last day of the seventh, tenth and thirteenth months after the beginning of the tax year.
      (3)   A declaration may be amended at any time, provided that if an amended declaration is filed, the unpaid balance shown due thereon shall be paid in equal installments on or before the remaining payment dates.
   (D)   Amended declaration.  An amended declaration may be filed with the filing of any quarterly return. If it appears that the original declaration and payments made for such year underestimated the taxpayer’s income by 30% or more the difference between 70% of such taxpayer’s tax liability and the amount of estimated tax he or she actually paid on or before December 31 or the date fixed by regulation, whichever is applicable, shall be subject to the interest and penalty provisions of § 35.20.
   (E)   Annual return required.  On or before the last day of the fourth month of the calendar or fiscal year following that for which the declaration was filed, an annual return shall be filed and any balance which may be due the municipality shall be paid therewith in accordance with the provisions of § 35.17.
(1997 Code, § 35.19)  (Ord. 556-74, passed 12-9-1974; Ord. 1049-04, passed 12-6-2004)