(A)   When severe winter weather conditions result in the anticipation or accumulation of ice and/or snow, or significant snowfall with high winds which could or do result in blowing and drifting, or other severe winter conditions which result in a deterioration in driving conditions, and it becomes necessary for the village to prepare for and/or to take action to clear village streets of ice and/or snow in order to provide for safe travel by the public, the Village Administrator may, and is hereby authorized to, declare that a snow emergency exists in the village. The snow emergency shall remain in effect until the Administrator terminates said declaration.
   (B)   The Village Administrator shall upon declaration of a snow emergency take such steps as are reasonable to notify village residents that a snow emergency exists. Such actions may include phone calls, faxes or emails to local news media, including local radio and TV stations. Upon determining that the appropriate time has come to issue a termination announcement, the Village Administrator may take the same reasonable steps to issue notification as when the snow emergency was declared.
   (C)   During the period of any snow emergency, no owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall park or permit such vehicle to be parked, stopped or abandoned on any route or street designated by the Village Administrator as a snow emergency route. Vehicles so parked must be removed by owners within two hours of the declaration of emergency, unless the declaration is made between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. If the declaration of emergency occurs between those hours, vehicles must be removed no later than 8:00 a.m.
   (D)   A list of designated snow emergency routes shall be on file at the Village Office and may be updated from time to time. Snow emergency routes shall also be clearly marked and indicated by signs along said routes.
   (F)   After the declaration of an emergency as described in division (A) of this section the Village Administrator may, and is hereby authorized to, upon his or her discretion, issue the following orders:
      (1)   Prohibit parking on any or all village streets;
      (2)   Close any or all village streets to non-emergency personnel; and/or
      (3)   Call upon any village personnel to report to work to provide essential emergency response functions.
(Ord. 1052-05, passed 4-4-2005)